10 Important things Nelson Mandela did to build Democracy

10 Important things Nelson Mandela did to build Democracy in South Africa: Mr Nelson Mandela is best known for successfully leading the resistance to South Africa’s policy of apartheid in the 20th century, during which he was infamously incarcerated at Robben Island Prison (1964–82).

Watch: Nelson Mandela Facts! After 27 years in prison Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa

Nelson Mandela Facts! After 27 years in prison Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa

What Important Things did Nelson Mandela do to Build Democracy in South Africa?

Nelson Mandela played an instrumental role in dismantling the institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination of apartheid in South Africa, ultimately fostering a transition to a multiracial democracy. After spending 27 years in prison for his anti-apartheid activities, Mandela advocated for peace and reconciliation upon his release, rather than retribution. He negotiated with the then-ruling National Party to end apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he became South Africa’s first Black president. During his presidency, Mandela focused on reconciliation between the country’s racial groups and laid the foundation for social justice by establishing institutions like the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. His governance style emphasized inclusivity, human rights, and social justice, setting South Africa on the path to becoming a robust democracy.

List of 10 Important things Nelson Mandela did to build Democracy

The important things Nelson Mandela did to build democracy include leading the African National Congress in negotiations with the apartheid government for a transition to a democratic, multi-racial South Africa, helping to create a new constitution that enshrined equal rights for all citizens, becoming the country’s first black President and ensuring a peaceful transition of power, and establishing institutions to address past injustices such as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He also promoted policies aimed at reducing socio-economic inequalities and improving the living conditions of the South African population.

  1. Nelson Mandela led by example, showing how it is possible to forgive one’s enemies. He showed this while creating a new South Africa, dismantling Apartheid and keeping the peace amongst the people while tackling racism, poverty and inequality.
  2. Nelson Mandela established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, providing a safe place to investigate past human rights abuses, avoiding civil war and bloodshed.
  3. Nelson Mandela established measures to combat poverty and expand healthcare services.
  4. Nelson Mandela became a global symbol of peacemaking, after he won the Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. De Klerk.
  5. Nelson Mandela used sports to bring the racially divided country together. Mandela used the country’s love for rugby as a way to unite blacks and whites in the racially divided country.
  6. Nelson Mandela maintained his dignity and humour, even through the bad times of his life and became a beacon of hope.
  7. Nelson Mandela established the Commission for Gender Equality, as he wanted to create a “society free from gender oppression and all forms of inequality”.
  8. Nelson Mandela created the Nelson Mandela Foundation, focusing their work towards combating poverty and HIV/AIDS. He admitted that he did not address the HIV/AIDS crisis when he was president, so he created the 46664 organisation to promote awareness and prevention.
  9. Nelson Mandela worked with the unions, such as COSATU, to boost employment opportunities, reducing unemployment rates and poverty.
  10. Nelson Mandela aided the South African Reserve Bank in slashing inflation by more than 7% in 5 years.




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