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How a Teacher Would Use the Listening Text to Teach Direct and Indirect Speech to Grade 5 Learners

How a Teacher Would Use the Listening Text to Teach Direct and Indirect Speech to Grade 5 Learners

On this page, we explain how a teacher would use the listening text to teach direct and indirect speech to Grade 5 learners, according to the PPP approach, by making use of the listening text.

The PPP approach is a widely recognized method used in language teaching, particularly in the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL). It stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production. The approach is based on the behaviorist theory of learning, which posits that learning is primarily about the acquisition of habits through practice and reinforcement.

  1. Presentation: During this stage, the teacher introduces new language content, such as vocabulary, grammar, or functional language, to the students. The teacher generally uses clear examples and demonstrations to make sure the students understand the new concept. The learners’ attention is focused on the target language, and they are encouraged to recognize patterns and understand the meaning and form. The Input Hypothesis, proposed by Stephen Krashen, is relevant here. According to Krashen, learners need comprehensible input that is slightly above their current level of proficiency in order to acquire a new language.
  2. Practice: Once the new language content has been presented, students are given opportunities to practice using it through controlled activities such as drills, fill-in-the-blank exercises, or matching tasks. This stage is very structured, and the teacher provides feedback and corrections to guide the students. This aligns with B.F. Skinner’s behaviorist theory which emphasizes the role of repetition and reinforcement in learning. Through this repetition and reinforcement, learners can internalize the new language forms.
  3. Production: In the production phase, students are encouraged to use the language more freely and creatively by incorporating the newly learned content into real-life contexts and situations. They may engage in role-plays, discussions, or create sentences and stories using the target language. This stage is essential for the development of communicative competence as it fosters fluency and the ability to use the language in a meaningful way. It is aligned with the Communicative Language Teaching approach, which stresses the importance of interaction as both the means and goal of learning. Swain’s Output Hypothesis can be linked to this stage as it suggests that language acquisition is facilitated when learners are pushed to produce meaningful language, not merely receive input.

The PPP approach can be an effective way of teaching new language concepts, but it is important to remember that it is just one approach among many. Different learners have different needs and learning styles, so teachers need to be adaptable and draw on a range of methodologies and strategies to meet the needs of their students. Additionally, more recent developments in the language teaching field such as Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) or the Dogme approach may also be integrated to create a more engaging and effective learning environment.

How to Use the Listening Text to Teach Direct and Indirect Speech to Grade 5 Learners

Teaching direct and indirect speech to Grade 5 learners can be made engaging and effective by incorporating a listening text into the lesson and using the PPP (Presentation, Practice, and Production) approach. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this:

Choose a suitable listening text:

First, select a listening text that is appropriate for Grade 5 students. It should be engaging, interesting, and contain instances of both direct and indirect speech. Examples of listening texts can include excerpts from audiobooks, dialogues, or short stories.


Before jumping into the PPP approach, it’s crucial to activate students’ prior knowledge. Ask them what they know about direct and indirect speech. Encourage them to provide examples if they can. Tell them that they will be learning more about these two ways of reporting speech through an exciting listening activity.


  1. Introduce the listening text: Give the students a brief introduction to the listening text, setting the context and piquing their interest.
  2. Define direct and indirect speech: Clearly explain the difference between direct and indirect speech. Direct speech involves quoting someone’s exact words, while indirect speech (or reported speech) involves paraphrasing what someone said.
  3. Model examples from the listening text: Play the listening text for the students. After playing it, pick out a couple of instances of direct and indirect speech from the text and write them on the board. Explain why each example is either direct or indirect speech.


  • Guided practice: Play the listening text again, but this time ask the students to listen carefully and identify examples of direct and indirect speech. After listening, discuss the examples as a class.
  • Conversion activity: Split the students into pairs or small groups. Provide them with sentences in direct speech and ask them to convert these into indirect speech and vice versa. Use sentences from the listening text as well as other examples.


  • Create dialogues: Divide students into groups and ask each group to create a short dialogue or story that incorporates both direct and indirect speech. They can use characters or scenarios from the listening text as inspiration.
  • Performances/Presentations: Have each group present their dialogue or story to the class. Encourage the audience to identify examples of direct and indirect speech during the presentations.


After the production phase, it’s important to recap what the students have learned.

  • Reflection: Ask the students to reflect on what they have learned and how they can use direct and indirect speech in their daily conversations and writing.
  • Feedback and Correction: Provide feedback on the students’ dialogues and stories, highlighting the effective use of direct and indirect speech, and suggesting areas for improvement.

By using the PPP approach and incorporating a listening text into the lesson, Grade 5 students will have an engaging and structured way to learn about direct and indirect speech. They will not only understand the concepts but also practice and apply them creatively, which will enhance their language skills.

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