The structure of DNA and RNA Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers

On this page you will find The structure of DNA and RNA Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes under Nucleic acids, which includes revision activities with questions and answers to help grade 12 learners prepare for their tests and exams.


  • Two kinds of nucleic acids are found in a cell, namely DNA and RNA.
  • These two nucleic acids are made of building blocks (or monomers) called nucleotides.

The nitrogenous bases of DNA and RNA in a table format

Question: What nitrogenous base is found in RNA but not in DNA

Answer: Uracil

Comparing and Contrasting the Structure of DNA and RNA

Comparison of DNA and RNA table:

Structure of a DNA

How to recognise a DNA molecule?

You can easily recognise a DNA structure by the following characteristics:

  • Double-stranded molecule
  • Contains the nitrogenous base thymine (T) instead of uracil (U)
  • A always joins with T
  • G always joins with C

Structure of RNA

How to recognise an RNA molecule?

  • Single-stranded molecule
  • Contains the nitrogenous base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T)

Question and Answers Activities:

Find short and long questions for Grade 12 Life Sciences, which will help you to prepare for the exams, tests, practical tasks, and assignments.

EXAM TIP: The structure of the DNA and RNA molecule is very important and is often examined almost every year in Grade 12. Make sure that you know the labels of each component. Remember to label the diagram first and then move onto the questions

PDF Downloadable Notes on The structure of DNA and RNA

Life Science Study Guides for Grade 12

Nucleic acids NotesThe structure of DNA and RNADifferences between DNA and RNADNA replication and its significanceDNA profilingProtein synthesis.

The structure of DNA and RNA Grade 12 Life Sciences Notes with Activities Questions and Answers

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