Five Aspects that you could Teach Based on the Topic of Seasons

Five Aspects that you could Teach Based on the Topic of Seasons

On this page, we identify five aspects that you could teach based on the topic of seasons. Title: Teaching Seasons to Foundation Phase Learners: Five Key Aspects and Examples Introducing foundation phase learners to the concept of seasons allows them to begin developing an understanding of Earth’s natural cycles and the influence these have on … Read more

Grade 2 Literacy Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2

Grade 2 Literacy Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2

Grade 2 Literacy Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2 in English and Afrikaans, pdf download: Each workbook is made up of 128 easy-to-follow worksheets for listening, reading and writing skills. The workbooks are organised into four worksheets per week, divided over eight weeks per term. All workbooks comply with the latest Curriculum Assessment Policy … Read more

Grade 2 Mathematics (Maths) Activities Workbooks with Worksheets for Term 1 and Term 2

Grade 2 Mathematics Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2

Grade 2 Mathematics Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2 in Afrikaans, English, IsiNdebele, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, pdf download. The workbooks contain Grade 2 Classroom Activities for Term 1 and Term 2. Each workbook is made up of 128 easy-to-follow worksheets for listening, reading and writing skills. The workbooks are … Read more

Factors that need to be considered when choosing books for young readers in the foundation phase

Factors that need to be considered when choosing books for young readers in the foundation phase

On this page, we discuss factors that need to be considered when choosing books for young readers in the foundation phase: Essential Factors in Choosing Books for Young Readers in the Foundation Phase Choosing books for young readers in the foundation phase is a task of significant importance and responsibility. This process influences children’s relationship … Read more

Grade 2 Life Skills Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2

Grade 2 Life Skills Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2

Grade 2 Life Skills Workbooks for Term 1 and Term 2 in English and Afrikaans, pdf download: Each workbook is made up of 128 easy-to-follow worksheets for listening, reading and writing skills. The workbooks are organised into four worksheets per week, divided over eight weeks per term. All workbooks comply with the latest Curriculum Assessment … Read more

Grade 2 Mathematics (Maths) Learning Activities and Materials for CAPS 2023

Grade 2 Mathematics Learning Activities and Materials for CAPS

On this page you will find, Grade 2 Mathematics (Maths) Learning Activities and Materials for CAPS Curriculum. You will also find lesson plans, worksheets, and workbooks as well as the Annual Teaching plan. All the content is either in a pdf or doc downloadable format. Grade 2 Mathematics learning content and lesson plans are for … Read more