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Answer to: Evaluate the extent to which the Government has Contributed to Social Grants.

Why Social Grants are important?

Social grants are in place to help improve standards of living in society and are given to people who are vulnerable to poverty and in need of state support. These generally include older people, people with disabilities, and people with young children.

Through the South African Government, Social Grant payments redistribute income to poor households and have contributed to a reduction in poverty in South Africa.

Did you know: The social grant net is the government’s biggest poverty alleviation and redistribution intervention. There are others, such as government housing provision and free water allocation


Evaluating the extent to which the Government has Contributed to Social Grants

Through Government,

  • Social grants increase consumption of basics such as food and education.
  • The direct effects of the change in grants have higher impacts on poverty and inequality than the indirect effects.
  • Social grants form a large part of the income for households living in poverty.

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