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Final Grade 11 Symbol Meaning

Final Grade 11 Symbol Meaning

Final Grade 11 Symbol Meaning:

The final Grade 11 symbol is a summary of your academic performance in each subject during your Grade 11 year. This symbol is calculated by combining the marks you receive from various assessments throughout the year—like tasks, projects, and assignments—with your final exam results. Universities use this symbol as a preliminary measure of your capabilities when you apply for admission during Grade 12, especially since your final Grade 12 results aren’t available yet. Essentially, it helps universities decide whether to offer you a conditional place based on how well you’ve performed so far.

What Does the Final Grade 11 Symbol Mean?

The final Grade 11 symbol refers to the overall academic performance of a student in their penultimate year of high school. In South Africa, the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations form the basis for these assessments, and students receive a symbol ranging from A to G, with A being the highest and G the lowest. These symbols represent a percentage range, as outlined below:

  • A: 80 – 100%
  • B: 70 – 79%
  • C: 60 – 69%
  • D: 50 – 59%
  • E: 40 – 49%
  • F: 30 – 39%
  • G: 0 – 29%

Calculating the Final Grade 11 Symbol:

When calculating your final Grade 11 symbol, all these components—SBA, tasks, projects, and assignments—are combined with your exam results. Here’s how it works:

  1. SBA Contribution: All the marks from your SBA (which includes tasks, projects, and assignments) are added together to form your SBA score for each subject.
  2. Exam Contribution: Your final exam marks are then added to this SBA score. In many subjects, the final exam is weighted more heavily, but the SBA still plays a vital role.
  3. Final Symbol: The combination of your SBA marks and your final exam marks is used to determine your final percentage for the subject. This percentage is then converted into a symbol according to the grading scale (A, B, C, etc.).

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