The long journey to the Higgs boson and beyond: the power of collaboration

“Finding the Higgs boson at Cern’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was all about the power of long-term research and collaboration in large science projects between large numbers of top physicists from many countries,” says Peter Jenni.  He’s an experimental physicist at Cern (the European Organisation for Nuclear Research) in Switzerland and the University of Freiburg … Read more

Petrol price rises, cost of diesel eases

From Wednesday, the price of both 93 and 95-grade unleaded petrol will rise by 59c a litre while the wholesale cost of diesel will fall by R1.52 to R1.57 a litre. The department of mineral resources and energy said in a statement on Tuesday that petrol prices had increased because of  higher demand by motorists … Read more

Economic policy a sideshow to ANC spectacle

NEWS ANALYSIS It is widely accepted that if Cyril Ramaphosa is no longer the ANC president, and he is replaced by someone who is not investor-approved, will have a ripple effect on the economy.  We had a small taste of this last week, when overtures of his resignation sent domestic asset prices into a tailspin.  … Read more

Debt counselling inquiries jump by 30%

There has been a more than 30% increase in debt counselling inquiries compared to the same period a year ago, indicating the financial stress consumers are experiencing. This is according to DebtBusters’ Q3 2022 Debt Index.  More than 1 400 debt review companies in South Africa are registered with the National Credit Regulator.  Petrol prices hiked … Read more

After two years of Covid-19, SA gets ke Dezember back

South Africa has a long-standing tradition of December being party season, and if Black Friday — when FNB clients alone spent R3 billion — is anything to go by, 2022 will be the country’s first “normal” December in two years.  In December 2020 the country was on lockdown level three. There were more than one million … Read more

Don’t read too much into GDP growth spurt

South Africa’s economy has bucked analysts’ modest expectations, recording a far more robust rebound than forecast. Added to last week’s job figures — which showed that South Africa’s ultra-high unemployment rate had retreated for the third time in a row — the GDP data might be viewed as an encouraging turn in the country’s economic … Read more