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Conveyancing Exam Guide and Dates for 2022

Conveyancing Exam Guide and Dates for 2022

Conveyancing Exam Guide and Dates for 2022: The written examination comprises two papers. Kindly note that to afford candidates more time, the papers are written on separate days.

Conveyancing Exam Dates and Structure

First Paper

Dates: Wednesday, 6 April / 7 September 2022 (9:00 – 11:15)
The first paper, which consists of short questions, is designed to test the knowledge of the candidates of various statutes, ordinances and decided cases, applicable to conveyancing. 100 marks are awarded to this paper.

Second Paper

Dates: Wednesday, 13 April / 14 September 2022 (09:00 – 13:15)
The second paper is designed to test the competence of a candidate mainly in the practice and procedure of conveyancing and consists of questions which require candidates to draft such deeds, certificates, applications, consents, agreements, and other documents as will indicate whether candidates possess enough practical knowledge. 200 marks are awarded to this paper.

Pass Requirements

A score of 50% for each of the two written papers constitute a pass mark, and candidates will, in the normal course, not be required to present themselves for an oral examination if an aggregate of 50% or more is achieved in each paper.

The examiners do, however, have the right to request an oral examination of any candidate to satisfy themselves that a candidate has sufficient knowledge of the subjects. Candidates who achieve a score of 40% to 49% have failed the examination but will qualify for an oral examination. A candidate who achieves an aggregate of less than 40% in each paper fails and is required to rewrite the examination.

The candidate who achieves a score of 50% in any one of the two papers will be allowed to carry that score over and it will not be necessary to rewrite that paper provided the candidate passes the outstanding paper within two (2) years.

Source: ISSA

More Information

2022_Conveyancing-Exam-Syllabus_FINAL.pdf Download

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