Corona Virus Confirmed Cases in the Western Cape, South Africa and how it affects schooling.
According to IOL, Cape Town – The Western Cape Health Department has confirmed six new cases of the coronavirus (Covid-19), bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the province to 16.

According to the Western Cape Department of Health between 14 and 15 March, it received notification of six more laboratory confirmed cases of the coronavirus. All six positive tests (males with varying ages) were received from private laboratories and feedback given to the National Institute of Communicable Diseases.
How will Western Cape Schools be Affected by Corona Virus Spread
President Cyril Ramaphosa has the buy-in of teachers’ unions for the dramatic measures announced on Sunday evening, including the imminent closure of all schools in South Africa.

The president announced that schools will close two days early for the Easter break and will remain closed until after the Easter weekend.
Initially schools were supposed to be closed on March 20 and open on March 31. But with the country grappling with Covid-19, and with 61 cases confirmed so far, the government has had to take drastic measures.
“To compensate, the mid-year school holidays will be shortened by a week,” said Ramaphosa. Source:M&G
Corona Virus Vaccine
Amid the rapid spread of the coronavirus around the world, American scientists have some heartening news: An experimental Covid-19 vaccine will be given to the first volunteers in a US trial on Monday.
Funded by the US National Institutes of Health and conducted at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle, a team of scientists plans to administer varying doses of a vaccine developed by the NIH and Moderna Inc. to 45 young, healthy volunteers, the Associated Press reported.