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Design Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) for 2023 and previous years

Design Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) for current and previous years

On this page, you will find Design Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks (PAT) for current and previous years (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019). Memorandums for previous PATs are included where possible.

Why PATs are Important for Grade 12

A practical assessment task (PAT) is a compulsory component of the final promotion mark for all candidates offering subjects that have a practical component and counts 25% (100 marks) of the end-of-year examination mark. The PAT is implemented across the first three terms of the school year. This is broken down into different phases or a series of smaller activities that make up the PAT. The PAT allows for learners to be assessed on a regular basis during the school year and it also allows for the assessment of skills that cannot be assessed in a written format, e.g. test or examination. It is therefore important that schools ensure that all learners complete the practical assessment tasks within the stipulated period to ensure that learners are resulted at the end of the school year. The planning and execution of the PAT differ from subject to subject.

The Structure of Design Grade 12 Practical Assessment Tasks

Below is the structure that Grade 12 Design students should follow:

Design in a Business Context
(Part of PAT 1, Topic 1 and PAT 2, Topic 1)
The Design in a Business Context task should consist of:

  • Business Context topic and introduction
  • Content on A4 format, 4–8 pages, both sides
  • Conclusion
  • Detailed bibliography, e.g. title underlined, author(s) in brackets, publisher, publishing date, web link, blog and date
  • Labels to accompany all visual material, i.e. title, materials used, name of designer, country in brackets, date

The content of this Business Context research in each Topic 1 task should include some or all of the content below.

  • Define your target market. Explain why you have chosen it.
  • Discuss the trends that have influenced you.
  • An appropriate local or international case study.
  • Visual merchandising of your product.
  • Explain how you would market this product. Create ONE of the following marketing forms: business card, flier, poster, advert for local newspaper, Facebook page, etc.
  • List all the materials you required, the name and contact details of your suppliers and write up the costs of all your materials. Also work out potential other costs, such as electricity, etc.
  • Possible competitors; describe their products and why you consider him/her/them to be competitors.
  • Research potential markets for your products.
  • Research potential funding options for your business.
  •  Investigate tertiary and career opportunities in your design product choice: range, scope, training needed and training available.
  • How would you package and/or advertise your product or service to your intended target market?

List of Design Grade 12 PAT

2023 PAT

Design-PAT-GR-12-2023-Afr.pdf Download
Design-PAT-GR-12-2023-Eng.pdf Download

2022 PAT

Design-PAT-GR-12-2022-Afr.pdf Download
Design-PAT-GR-12-2022-Afr-1.pdf Download

2021 PAT

Design-PAT-GR-12-2021-Eng.pdf Download
Design-PAT-GR-12-2021-Afr.pdf Download

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