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Acts related to Human Resources in South Africa Notes and Exam Questions Business Studies Grade 12

Acts related to Human Resources in South Africa Notes and Exam Questions Business Studies Grade 12

Acts related to Human Resources in South Africa: Notes, Common Exam Questions and Answers Guide, Online Quizzes and Activities for Business Studies Grade 12 Revision Studies, from Human Resources Function section. This content is under Term 1 as per the CAPS Curriculum.

On this page, grade 12 students learn and study for revision using REAL EXAM questions based on Acts related to Human Resources in South Africa topic, using activities and engaging quizzes. Every South African grade 12 learner who wants to pass Business Studies subject with a distinction, needs to go through the valuable study resources on this page.

Acts related to Human Resources in South Africa Business Studies Grade 12

Here is a list of acts related to Human Resources in South Africa with bolded keywords:

  1. Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) – This act outlines the minimum employment conditions that employers must provide to their employees, such as working hours, leave, and remuneration.
  2. Employment Equity Act – This act promotes equal opportunities in the workplace by prohibiting discrimination based on race, gender, and other factors, and requiring employers to take affirmative action to address historical imbalances.
  3. Labour Relations Act – This act regulates the relationship between employers, employees, and trade unions by setting out the procedures for collective bargaining, dispute resolution, and industrial action.
  4. Skills Development Act – This act promotes skills development and training by requiring employers to contribute to the Skills Development Fund and implement workplace skills plans and training programs.
  5. Occupational Health and Safety Act – This act aims to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for employees by setting out requirements for workplace health and safety, and imposing penalties for non-compliance.
  6. Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act – This act provides compensation to employees who are injured or contract diseases in the course of their employment.
  7. Unemployment Insurance Act – This act provides temporary relief to employees who become unemployed by paying out unemployment insurance benefits.
  8. National Minimum Wage Act – This act sets a national minimum wage for employees, which employers are required to comply with.
  9. South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Act – This act establishes the SAQA and provides for the development, implementation, and coordination of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), which sets out the standards for education and training in South Africa.
    • Purpose: The purpose of the SAQA Act is to advance the development of human potential and to contribute to the development of a skilled and capable workforce in South Africa.
    • Establishment of SAQA: The SAQA is established as a juristic person and is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of the NQF.
    • National Qualifications Framework (NQF): The NQF is a comprehensive system of qualifications that is used to recognize, evaluate, and compare the levels of learning achieved by individuals. The NQF includes a range of qualifications, from basic education to doctoral degrees.
    • Quality assurance: The SAQA is responsible for ensuring that all qualifications registered on the NQF meet certain standards of quality, relevance, and credibility.
    • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): The SAQA Act recognizes the importance of recognizing prior learning and provides for the development and implementation of RPL policies and procedures.
    • Coordination of education and training: The SAQA Act provides for the coordination of education and training by establishing a national system of education and training providers, learners, and employers.
    • Appeals and grievances: The SAQA Act provides for an appeals and grievances procedure to address disputes or complaints related to the registration, recognition, or quality assurance of qualifications on the NQF.

These acts play a critical role in regulating the employment relationship in South Africa, ensuring that employees are treated fairly and have access to minimum standards of working conditions, benefits, and protections. Employers must comply with these acts to avoid penalties and ensure a positive and productive working environment.

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