Careers for Economics with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Careers for Economics with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Let’s find out what career choices you are able to study at Universities or Colleges if you chose Economics with Pure Mathematics Grade 10 -12 subjects. Charting Career Paths in Economics with a Pure Mathematics Foundation Choosing Economics and Pure Mathematics as your subjects in high school sets you up for an exciting range of … Read more

Careers for Accounting with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Careers for Accounting with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Let’s find out what career choices you are able to study at Universities or Colleges if you chose Accounting with Pure Mathematics Grade 10 -12 subjects. Careers for Accounting with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options Eager to know what career possibilities emerge when combining Accounting with Pure Mathematics? In South African high schools, choosing … Read more

Possible Drawbacks of the Use of ICT in the Workplace

Possible Drawbacks of the Use of ICT in the Workplace

Possible drawbacks of the use of ICT in the workplace: Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the workplace has brought about massive changes in how we do business and interact professionally. However, like anything else, it comes with its own set of drawbacks. Here are a few possible drawbacks of the use of ICT … Read more

Ways in which we can find the Information About the Past

Ways in which we can find the Information About the Past

Ways in which we can find the information about the past: Finding information about the past is like being a detective in a history mystery. There are several ways to uncover the secrets of bygone days: Books and Historical Texts These are like time machines in paper form. Historians write books packed with information about … Read more

Fields of Study Related to Economics

Fields of Study Related to Economics

Fields of study related to economics: Below is an overview of various fields of study in economics, each shedding light on different economic phenomena and their broader social, cultural, and political contexts. These fields not only demonstrate the versatility and relevance of economics but also underscore its role as a pivotal lens through which we … Read more

5 Solid Reasons Why Economics is a Social Science

5 Solid Reasons Why Economics is a Social Science

Economics is often referred to as a social science because it deals with the behavior and interactions of people in society. Here’s a summary of why economics is considered a social science, organized in a table format with two columns: Here’s a summary of points 1 to 5, reinforcing the argument that economics is fundamentally … Read more