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How school-based assessment can assist in reducing the pressure of examination

How school-based assessment can assist in reducing the pressure of examination

On this page, we discuss how school-based assessment can assist in reducing the pressure of examination. A school-based assessment is a continuous planned process of gathering information on the achievement of a learner.

Different forms of School-based assessments

  • Baseline assessment-Usually takes place in thebeginning of the year or when starting something new e.g. topic. It is useful for both a learner and a teacher.
  • Formative assessment-To check the progress of the learner on a certain topic.
  • Summative assessment-Usually happens at the end of the project, term or year.
  • Self-assessment and peer-assessment-This provides the learner an opportunity to assess himself or classmates.

How school-based assessment can assist in reducing the pressure of examination?

School-based assessments can assist in reducing the pressure of examination in the following ways:

  • Prepares learners for final year examinations – through school-based assessments, learners already know what to expect in the final year exam for the particular subject.
  • Helps the learners to remove axienties – on going school-based assessments give learners an opportunity to practice answering possible exam questions and gain confidence in the final exams
  • Teachers use assessments to identify learner’s progress. Teachers can easily help students who are strugging with the subject through assessment performance results.

Read: Importance of school-based assessment in South Africa

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