Careers for History with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Careers for History with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Let’s find out what career choices you are able to study at Universities or Colleges if you chose History with Pure Mathematics Grade 10 -12 subjects. Exploring Career Paths: The Journey from History and Pure Mathematics As a high school student in South Africa choosing History and Pure Mathematics for Grades 10-12, you’re setting the … Read more

Types of Sentences According to Function with Examples

Types of Sentences According to Function with Examples

The versatility of language lies in its capacity to convey a range of emotions, instructions, questions, and information. One of the fundamental aspects that contribute to this flexibility is the different types of sentences we use. Depending on their function in communication, sentences can be broadly classified into four categories: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory. … Read more

What is the difference between an attorney and an advocate in South Africa

What is the difference between an attorney and an advocate in South Africa

Attorneys and advocates share the same qualifications (at least an LLB degree). The difference exists in the type of work done on a daily basis. Differences between an attorney and an advocate in South Africa In South Africa, there are distinct differences between attorneys and advocates, both in terms of their qualifications and their roles … Read more

How to become an advocate in South Africa


How to become an advocate in South Africa Advocates according to Go Legal, are self employed but are generally members of a “bar council” which is a body that helps to oversee and guide the profession. They are primarily experts in the art of presenting and arguing cases in court. This requires a mastery of … Read more

Are South African Law Degrees recognised Internationally?

The question of whether South African law degrees are recognized internationally is one that many aspiring lawyers and current law students may find themselves pondering. With a plethora of educational institutions across the country, it’s crucial to understand that not every institution holds the same prestige or accreditation, especially on an international scale. To ensure … Read more

How long does it take to become a Lawyer in South Africa?

How long does it take to become a lawyer in South Africa

How long does it take to become a lawyer in South Africa? The education and training process for a lawyer typically involves obtaining a bachelor’s degree, followed by completing a Juris Doctor (JD) degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA). After graduation, individuals must pass the bar exam in their … Read more

100 Best Motivational Lines I Can Use on My Resume

What’s the best motivational line I can use on my resume? Below are some examples of motivational lines you could use on your resume, tailored to specific job examples: Software Engineer CV Motivational Lines “Turning complexity into simplicity, one line of code at a time.” “Coding solutions to power tomorrow’s innovations.” “Turning ideas into applications … Read more

Law Specialisations in Demand in South Africa: Charting Your Legal Career Path

Law Specialisations in Demand in South Africa: Charting Your Legal Career Path

The field of law is diverse and offers various specializations, each catering to a different aspect of society’s legal needs. In South Africa, some law specializations are particularly in demand due to the socio-economic and political climate. This article aims to guide aspiring lawyers or those wishing to further specialize their legal careers, by shedding … Read more