The Role of Media in a Democratic Society in South Africa

The role of media in a democratic society in South Africa

The role of media in democratic society and their responsibility: Media is considered the fourth estate in a democratic society, often regarded as an essential institution in a democratic system, co-existing with other pillars of democracy like the judiciary, executive, and the legislature. In South Africa, a country with a history marked by apartheid, media … Read more

How the Media Could be Used to Enhance Understanding of the Importance of the Bill of Rights

How the Media Could be Used to Enhance Understanding of the Importance of the Bill of Rights

How the Media Could be Used to Enhance Understanding of the Importance of the Bill of Rights: Title: Leveraging Media to Amplify the Understanding of the Importance of the Bill of Rights Introduction The Bill of Rights, a pivotal component of the United States Constitution, enshrines the essential freedoms and liberties that define the American … Read more

7 Ways in which the Media often Fails to Fulfill their Responsibilities to society

7 Ways in which the Media often Fails to Fulfill their Responsibilities to society

On this page, we discuss more than two ways in which the media often fails to fulfill their responsibilities to society. The media’s main principles are aimed at being fair, honest and reliable. The minute the media deviates from these core principles, the society suffers the outcomes. 7 Ways in which the Media often Fails … Read more

6 Factors which may Prevent Accessibility to Printed Media

6 Factors which may Prevent Accessibility to Printed Media

On this page, we discuss 6 factors which may prevent accessibility to printed media. The digital technology innovations have brought about significant changes that have revolutionised the media industry. Most of these changes were fueled by the massive growth of, and heavy reliance on the internet. Such technologies include mobile devices, social media, video and … Read more