Advertising And Promotions NCV Level 4 Past Exam Papers & Learning Material

Advertising And Promotions NCV Level 4 Past Exam Papers with memorandums & Learning Material in pdf downloadable format for Term 1 (March) , Term 2 (June), Term 3 (September), and Term 4 (November). Advertising and Promotions is a targeting system in which an organisation matches its capabilities to the needs and wants of customers. Its objective is to provide a product or service to consumers or users to achieve optimum profit or cost efficiency in the case of a not-for-profit organisation.

This is a one year instructional programme comprising 200 teaching and learning hours. The subject may be offered on a part-time basis provided the candidate meets all the assessment requirements.
Course preparations should consider students with special education needs.

To improve opportunities for success in a competitive marketplace, marketers focus their efforts on clearly defined market targets. The intention is to select those groups of customers that the company is best able to serve so that competitive pressure is minimised.. Advertising And Promotions (Marketing) is a  Level 4 subject.

Advertising And Promotions Level 4 Past Exam Papers and Memos

2020 papers

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