Types of Rocks formed when heat or pressure is added

On this page we talk about the types of rocks which are only formed when heat or pressure is added. Different rocks form in their own different ways, and also the state of rocks keep on chanigng from time to time.

Three types of rocks

There are three types of rocks that are studied in Geography and Geology, which are:

  • Sedimentary rocks,
  • Igneous rocks and
  • Metamorphic rocks.

Rocks are classified based on the way they form.

How Metamorphic rocks form

Out of the three rocks types, metamorphoric rocks are the ones that only form when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot mineral-rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors.

Different forms of Metamorphic rocks:

  • Shale
  • Slate
  • Phyllite
  • Schist
  • Gneis

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