What do we call it when two Tectonic Plates move towards each other

In Geography subject, what do we call it when two tectonic plates move towards each other?

List of Major Tectonic Plate

Do you know that there are seven major tectonic plates on planet earth? These tectonic plates are known by the following names: 

  • African tectonic plate,
  • Antarctic tectonic plate,
  • Eurasian tectonic plate,
  • Indo-Australian tectonic plate,
  • North American tectonic plate,
  • Pacific tectonic plate
  • South American tectonic plate.

When these tectonic plates move towards each other and collide, they create what is called convergent boundaries, or compressional or destructive boundaries.

convergent boundaries
convergent boundaries

Tectonic Plate Video Lesson


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