Religions in South Africa for Grade 4 and Grade 5: Life Skills

Religions in South Africa for Grade 4 and Grade 5 Life Skills:

When people believe in God and worship God in a certain way, that is called their religion. In South Africa the main religion is Christianity. The religion with the next biggest group of followers are the traditional African religions. This is followed by the Muslim faith which is called Islam. Smaller groups of people practise Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, the Bahá’í faith and several people don’t follow any religion at all.

Religions in South Africa for Grade 4 and 5 Learners


Belief in one God who created the world and that Jesus is the son of God and He was sent to Earth to save people from punishment for things they do wrong. Christians believe that the Bible is God’s Word to His people, so they study the Bible and try to follow its lessons.


Belief in one god called Allah. who gave a message to a holy man called Mohammed. This is recorded in the Muslim book of faith called the Quran. It teaches that Allah created everything and gives Muslims rules to live by to honour Allah in the way that they live.

Traditional African Religions
Belief in a God who created the world and Nature Spirits who live in animals, water and the earth. The spirits of people who have died are honoured and these spirits talk to God to help the people still living on earth.


Belief of Indian people in many gods ruled over by one supreme God. God live inside each and every person waiting to be discovered. Hindus believe that when they die, they will come back to Earth in a different form.


Belief in one God who wants people to treat each other fairly and lovingly because each person is made in God’s image. Jewish people follow the teachings of the Hebrew Bible called the Torah.


Buddhists believe in reincarnation which means when someone dies, they are born as someone else. In their lifetime they try to reach a special state called enlightenment when they stop being reborn.


These followers believe in all religions and want people to be equal and unite. Teaching children spiritual lessons is the most important task of all.


  1. What book do Muslim people follow in their faith?
  2. What do Christians believe about Jesus?
  3. Which religion believes that there are Nature Spirits living in the water and earth and animals?
  4. What is the definition of” reincarnation”?
  5. Which two religions mentioned above believe in reincarnation?
  6. Which religion believes that all religions should be respected, and that developing young children spiritually is of the most importance?

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