Effects of Personal Views that Contribute to Lifestyle Diseases

In the contemporary world, lifestyle diseases, also known as non-communicable diseases, are becoming increasingly prevalent. These illnesses, which include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, can often be attributed to personal behaviors and choices. Interestingly, underlying these behaviors and choices are deeply held personal views, beliefs, and perceptions. This article explores how personal views can significantly contribute to the onset and progression of lifestyle diseases.

Understanding What Personal Views is

“Personal view” refers to an individual’s beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, and values concerning health, well-being, and lifestyle. These views are shaped by a combination of factors, including personal experiences, cultural background, societal norms, education, and exposure to information or misinformation. Personal views dictate how an individual perceives their body, understands health risks, prioritizes activities, and makes daily decisions related to diet, exercise, and other lifestyle choices. In essence, they are the lenses through which people interpret and respond to health and wellness concepts, directly influencing behaviors that can either mitigate or contribute to lifestyle diseases.

Effects of Personal Views that Contribute to Lifestyle Diseases

The effects of personal views on lifestyle diseases are profound and multifaceted. Personal beliefs and perceptions about body image, often influenced by societal standards, can drive individuals to adopt either restrictive behaviors, leading to eating disorders, or neglectful ones, increasing the risk of obesity and related conditions. Misinformation, especially in today’s digital age, can result in a misunderstanding of the risks associated with certain behaviors like smoking or excessive alcohol intake. Cultural beliefs may emphasize certain dietary habits that might not be health-centric, and the modern emphasis on busyness can de-prioritize physical activity. Furthermore, a culture of instant gratification can favor immediate pleasures, such as unhealthy eating, over long-term health benefits. These deeply held views, often reinforced by societal norms and misinformation, play a pivotal role in the rise of non-communicable diseases.

1. Perception of Body Image:

The societal pressure to adhere to certain body standards can drive individuals to adopt unhealthy habits. On one hand, the pursuit of an ultra-thin figure can lead to disorders like anorexia or bulimia. Conversely, dismissing one’s weight issues or normalizing obesity might prevent some from seeking a healthier lifestyle, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and more.

2. Misinformation and Denial:

In an era dominated by social media and the internet, misinformation regarding health can spread rapidly. Personal views rooted in unverified or false health information can lead to harmful lifestyle choices. For instance, one might underestimate the detrimental effects of smoking or excessive alcohol consumption due to misleading information.

3. Cultural and Traditional Beliefs:

Certain cultural practices and traditional beliefs can impact dietary habits and lifestyle choices. For example, in some cultures, an abundant, meat-heavy meal is seen as a sign of prosperity, potentially leading to excessive consumption and associated health risks like high cholesterol and hypertension.

4. Views on Physical Activity:

The modern perception that busyness equates to success can deter individuals from dedicating time to physical activity. If one views exercise as a secondary priority or associates it with vanity rather than health, they might neglect it, elevating risks of diseases related to sedentary behavior.

5. Instant Gratification vs. Long-term Wellness:

Today’s culture of instant gratification can shape personal views towards seeking immediate pleasure, such as indulging in fast food, over long-term health benefits. Over time, frequent indulgence can contribute to conditions like obesity or type-2 diabetes.

6. Perceived Invincibility:

Especially among younger individuals, there’s a belief of invincibility, a view that one can dodge health consequences regardless of their lifestyle choices. Such perceptions can lead to prolonged periods of unhealthy habits, setting the stage for lifestyle diseases in the future.

7. Socio-economic Perspectives:

For some, personal views about their economic status might lead to decisions prioritizing cheaper, processed foods over pricier nutritious options, given the immediate financial constraints. Over time, such choices can culminate in nutrition-related diseases.

10 Examples of Diseases that can be linked to Effects of Personal Views

  1. Obesity: Personal views that normalize or downplay the health risks associated with being overweight or having an unhealthy diet can contribute to obesity.
  2. Anorexia Nervosa: Societal standards and personal perceptions of ideal body image can lead to restrictive eating behaviors and an unhealthy obsession with thinness.
  3. Bulimia Nervosa: Similar to anorexia, personal views related to body image can result in binge eating followed by purging to control weight or prevent weight gain.
  4. Type 2 Diabetes: Neglecting the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise due to perceptions of invincibility or misinformation can increase the risk of this metabolic disorder.
  5. Heart Diseases: Personal beliefs that undermine the harm of high cholesterol or saturated fat intake, or that underestimate the need for cardiovascular activity, can contribute to various heart-related conditions.
  6. Alcohol-Related Liver Disease: Underestimating the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption due to societal norms or personal dismissiveness can lead to liver diseases, including cirrhosis.
  7. Lung Cancer: Personal views that downplay the risks of smoking or see it as a form of stress relief can result in prolonged tobacco use, elevating the risk of lung cancer.
  8. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Misunderstanding the need for regular health check-ups or underestimating the impacts of a high-sodium diet can contribute to elevated blood pressure levels.
  9. Osteoporosis: Personal views that don’t prioritize bone health or undervalue the intake of calcium and vitamin D can increase the risk of weakened bones.
  10. Stress-related Disorders: Perceiving busyness as a sign of success or neglecting the importance of relaxation and mental well-being can lead to disorders stemming from chronic stress, such as anxiety or depression.

Each of these diseases has multifactorial causes, but personal views and perceptions undeniably play a significant role in their onset and progression.


Lifestyle diseases, while largely preventable, are intricately tied to personal views and perceptions that influence daily choices. Recognizing and challenging these beliefs is the first step towards cultivating a healthier lifestyle. As societies continue to evolve, it’s imperative to promote accurate information, foster positive health perceptions, and emphasize the undeniable link between our beliefs and our well-being.

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