English Degree Job Types and Salaries in South Africa

What can you become after studying English Degree in South Africa? In other words, what jobs are you likely to get, that require English qualification, and how much do they pay? Well on this page we explore the list of jobs that candidates who have completed English Degree  are mostly likely to get. We also explore the monthly salaries associated with those job positions. Furthermore, we list the type of places where you are likely to find jobs that require English Degree in South Africa.

English Degree Job Types and Salaries in South Africa

English Degree is an undergraduate program that focuses on the study of English language and literature. The program equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze, interpret and communicate effectively using the English language. English Degree covers various aspects of the English language such as grammar, syntax, phonetics, semantics, and linguistics. In addition, it exposes students to a wide range of literary works such as poetry, prose, drama, and fiction.

Is there a demand for skills associated with English Degree qualification in South Africa?

English is an international language that is widely used in various industries such as media, publishing, marketing, and education. Therefore, there is a growing demand for individuals who possess skills associated with English Degree in South Africa. According to the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), employers are looking for graduates who possess strong communication skills, critical thinking skills, and analytical skills, which are all key skills that are associated with English Degree.

How does the future look like?

The future looks bright for graduates with an English Degree. The demand for individuals with strong communication skills and analytical skills is increasing, and this trend is expected to continue in the future. In addition, the rise of the digital age has created new opportunities for English graduates in fields such as content creation, social media management, and digital marketing.

Skills demand in South Africa

In South Africa, there is a high demand for individuals who possess strong communication skills, critical thinking skills, and analytical skills. These skills are essential in industries such as media, marketing, education, and publishing. English graduates possess these skills and are therefore highly sought after by employers.

Why students should pursue English Studies

English is an international language that is used in various industries across the world. By pursuing an English Degree, students will be equipped with the necessary skills to communicate effectively using the English language. In addition, they will gain valuable critical thinking and analytical skills that will be useful in any industry.

What jobs can you get with English Degree and Salaries in South Africa?

English Degree opens up a wide range of career opportunities in South Africa. Graduates can pursue careers in various industries such as media, marketing, education, and publishing. Below is a list of ten jobs that English graduates can consider.

  1. Copywriter – A copywriter is responsible for creating engaging content for advertising campaigns. The average monthly salary for a copywriter in South Africa is R20 000.
  2. Content writer – A content writer is responsible for creating content for websites, blogs, and social media platforms. The average monthly salary for a content writer in South Africa is R15 000.
  3. Journalist – A journalist is responsible for researching, writing, and reporting news stories. The average monthly salary for a journalist in South Africa is R18 000.
  4. Public relations officer – A public relations officer is responsible for managing the public image of an organization. The average monthly salary for a public relations officer in South Africa is R25 000.
  5. Editor – An editor is responsible for reviewing and editing written content to ensure it is accurate, readable, and engaging. The average monthly salary for an editor in South Africa is R22 000.
  6. Teacher – An English graduate can pursue a career in teaching at various levels, from primary to tertiary education. The average monthly salary for a teacher in South Africa is R20 000.
  7. Content strategist – A content strategist is responsible for creating and implementing content strategies for organizations. The average monthly salary for a content strategist in South Africa is R30 000.
  1. Marketing manager – A marketing manager is responsible for creating and implementing marketing strategies for organizations. The average monthly salary for a marketing manager in South Africa is R45 000.
  2. Technical writer – A technical writer is responsible for creating technical documentation such as user manuals, product guides, and instructional materials. The average monthly salary for a technical writer in South Africa is R35 000.
  3. Language translator – A language translator is responsible for translating written or spoken content from one language to another. The average monthly salary for a language translator in South Africa is R25 000.

Salaries Explanations for the jobs

When considering job offers, it is important to understand the difference between gross and net salaries. Gross salary refers to the total amount of money earned before taxes and other deductions are taken out. Net salary refers to the amount of money earned after taxes and other deductions are taken out. In addition to salary, many employers offer benefits such as medical aid, pension, and leave days.

How to negotiate for a better salary

When negotiating a salary, it is important to do research on the industry standard for the position. In addition, it is important to highlight any relevant skills and experience that make you a valuable candidate. It is also important to be flexible and open to negotiation, as employers may have constraints on their budget.

How skills and experience determine the salary

Employers consider a candidate’s skills and experience when determining their salary. This is because a candidate with more skills and experience is more valuable to the organization.

Skills vs experience

Skills refer to the abilities and knowledge that a candidate possesses. Experience refers to the practical application of those skills in a work setting. Both skills and experience are important factors that employers consider when determining a candidate’s salary.

Why skills and experience determine the salaries related to English Degree

English graduates possess strong communication skills, critical thinking skills, and analytical skills. These skills are highly sought after in various industries, and therefore, graduates with more skills and experience are more valuable to employers. In addition, the rise of the digital age has created new opportunities for English graduates in fields such as content creation, social media management, and digital marketing. Graduates with skills and experience in these areas are highly sought after and can command higher salaries.

Where to study English Degree (Universities and Colleges)


There are several universities and colleges in South Africa that offer English Degree programs. Below is a list of five universities and colleges that offer English Degree programs.

  1. University of Cape Town – The University of Cape Town offers a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature.
  2. University of Witwatersrand – The University of Witwatersrand offers a Bachelor of Arts in English.
  3. Rhodes University – Rhodes University offers a Bachelor of Arts in English.
  4. Stellenbosch University – Stellenbosch University offers a Bachelor of Arts in English.
  5. University of Pretoria – The University of Pretoria offers a Bachelor of Arts in English.

English Degree programs are widely available in South

Africa, and students can choose from a range of universities and colleges that offer the program. When selecting a university or college, it is important to consider factors such as the curriculum, faculty, and campus culture.

Where can English Degree Graduates find the jobs

English graduates can find jobs in various industries such as media, marketing, education, and publishing. Below is a list of five places where English graduates can find jobs.

  1. Media companies – Media companies such as newspapers, magazines, and television stations require individuals with strong communication skills and analytical skills. English graduates can find jobs as journalists, editors, and content writers in these companies.
  2. Marketing agencies – Marketing agencies require individuals with strong communication skills and critical thinking skills. English graduates can find jobs as copywriters, content strategists, and marketing managers in these agencies.
  3. Education institutions – Education institutions require individuals with strong communication skills and knowledge of English language and literature. English graduates can find jobs as teachers and lecturers in these institutions.
  4. Publishing companies – Publishing companies require individuals with strong writing and editing skills. English graduates can find jobs as editors, proofreaders, and technical writers in these companies.
  5. Non-profit organizations – Non-profit organizations require individuals with strong communication skills and analytical skills. English graduates can find jobs as public relations officers and content writers in these organizations.

Is it easy to find a job in South Africa?

The job market in South Africa is competitive, and it may take time and effort to find a job. However, English graduates possess valuable skills that are in high demand, which increases their chances of finding a job.

Is it easy to find a job internationally?

The job market for English graduates is global, and there are opportunities for graduates to find jobs internationally. However, the job market may be competitive, and it is important to research the industry and job market in the desired location.

English Degree is a valuable qualification that opens up a wide range of career opportunities in South Africa and internationally. Graduates possess skills that are in high demand, and there are various industries and companies where graduates can find jobs. With the right skills, experience, and education, English graduates can build successful and fulfilling careers.

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