Hospitality Generics NCV Level 4 Past Exam Papers & Learning Material

Hospitality Generics NCV Level 4 Past Exam Papers with memorandums & Learning Material in pdf downloadable format for Term 1 (March) , Term 2 (June), Term 3 (September), and Term 4 (November). Hospitality Generics enables the student to understand the sectors of the tourism and hospitality industries and explore their related work opportunities. It also contains broad knowledge, skills and values required to operate hygienically and safely in the hospitality environment. Hospitality Generics equips the student to understand the dynamics of teams and work effectively as a team member. It enables students to plan and cost menus, operate payment points and computers and maintain booking systems. It also empowers students to develop themselves in job roles and explore self-employment opportunities.. Hospitality Generics (Hospitality) is a  Level 4 subject.

This is a one year instructional programme comprising 200 teaching and learning hours. The subject may be offered on a part-time basis provided the candidate meets all the assessment requirements.
Course preparations should consider students with special education needs.

Hospitality Generics Level 4 Past Exam Papers and Memos



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