How to Reference or Cite the South African Constitution in Harvard Style?

Referencing or citing the South African Constitution in Harvard style involves specific formatting to ensure that citations are clear, accurate, and consistent. This guide provides detailed instructions and examples to help you correctly reference the Constitution in your academic writing.

Understanding the Format

The general format for citing the South African Constitution in Harvard style is as follows:

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  • Author/Body: Name of the authoring body (usually the country or governmental body).
  • Year of publication: The year the Constitution was published or the specific version’s publication year.
  • Title: The official title of the document, including any amendments or specific sections, if applicable.
  • Publisher: The publisher of the Constitution, which is often the government or an official legal body.
  • Place of publication: The location where the Constitution was published.
  • Available from: If the document is accessed online, include the URL.
  • Date accessed: The date you accessed the online document.

Examples of Citations

  • For a general reference to the South African Constitution:
    • South Africa, 1996. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printer.
  • When citing a specific section of the Constitution:
    • South Africa, 1996. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Sec. 9. Pretoria: Government Printer.
  • For an online reference to the Constitution:
    • South Africa, 1996. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Available from: [URL]. [Accessed 21 March 2024].

Referencing Amendments or Specific Articles

When referencing specific amendments or articles within the South African Constitution, it is important to clearly indicate the relevant sections or articles. Here are examples:

  • South Africa, 1996. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Amendment Act 15 of 1996. Pretoria: Government Printer.
  • South Africa, 1996. Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Art. 24. Pretoria: Government Printer.

Correctly citing the South African Constitution in Harvard style is crucial for academic integrity and scholarship. By following the guidelines and examples provided, students and researchers can ensure their work adheres to high standards of citation and reference.
