Initiatives to implement to ensure that your Child is using Social Media Appropriately

What initiatives are you implementing to ensure that your child is using Social Media appropriately? One thing for sure, social media can be detrimental to a child’s wellbeing, self-esteem, privacy, and security. Guardians and parents need to consciously implement initiatives to ensure their kids are safe on social media platforms.

Social Media Safety Tips

Initiatives to implement to ensure that your Child is using Social Media Appropriately

  1. Educate yourself about social media – the first step to ensure your kids are using social media in a safe manner is to explore and understand what social types and nature of media platforms are out there, as well as how to use them. then a parent can decide which ones should a child use.
  2. Educate the child about social media – the parent should take an initiative to educate the child about the ins and out of using social media. Children must be warned of the risks associated with using social media.
  3. Monitor social media usage – parents should constantly monitor their kids behavious on social media platfom as to ensure the kids are not at any form of risk. Parents can monitor the following:
    1. passwords used,
    2. content shared by the child,
    3. the interactions the child is having on social media, and also,
    4. the duration of social media use.

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