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Mathematical Literacy (Maths Lit) Grade 12 NSC Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam Topics and Structure Guide Syllabus

Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 NSC Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam Topics and Structure Guide Syllabus

On this page you will find Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 NSC Paper 1 and Paper 2 Exam Topics and Structure Guide from the CAPS syllabus.

The competencies developed through Mathematical Literacy allow individuals to make sense of, participate in and contribute to the twenty-first century world — a world characterised by numbers, numerically based arguments and data represented and misrepresented in a number of different ways. Such competencies include the ability to reason, make decisions, solve problems, manage resources, interpret information, schedule events and use and apply technology. Learners must be exposed to both mathematical content and real-life contexts to develop these competencies. Mathematical content is needed to make sense of real-life contexts; on the other hand, contexts determine the content that is needed.

The subject Mathematical Literacy should enable the learner to become a self-managing person, a contributing worker and a participating citizen in a developing democracy. The teaching and learning of Mathematical Literacy should thus provide opportunities to analyse problems and devise ways to work mathematically in solving such problems. Opportunities to engage mathematically in this way will also assist learners to become astute consumers of the mathematics reflected in the media.

Paper 1 Topics:

This examination paper assesses basic mathematical skills and competency, and primarily contains questions at the knowing (Level 1) and routine procedures (Level 2) levels. The examination also contains a small number of multi-step procedures (Level 3) questions, which will allow for more in-depth analysis of contexts and/or problems. The contexts included in this paper are limited to those specified in the curriculum outline section of this CAPS document.


The intention of this paper is to assess understanding of the core content and/or skills outlined in the CAPS document in the context of authentic real-life problems. Although questions will be contextualised, the focus is primarily on assessing proficiency in a range of content topics, techniques and/or skills.

Structure and scope of content:

A Mathematical Literacy Paper 1 examination will typically consist of five questions:

  • Each question will be contextualised and may focus on more than one context.
  • Each question will contain sub-questions.
  • The first four questions will be focused on each of the topics: – Finance
    • Measurement
    • Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
    • Data handling with the content and/or skills outlined in the following topics integrated throughout each question:
    • Interpreting and communicating answers and calculations
    • Numbers and operations with numbers
    • Patterns, relationships and representations.
  • The fifth question will integrate concepts and/or skills from across all the topics in the curriculum.
  • The topic of Probability will be assessed in the context of one or more of these questions rather than as a question on its own. Scope of contexts: Contexts used in the Paper 1 examination will be limited to those specified in the Curriculum Outline section of the CAPS document thus the contexts used in this examination will be familiar to the learners. Distribution of marks according to the taxonomy levels:

A Paper 1 examination should include questions at the different levels of the taxonomy according to the following mark distribution:

  • 60% (±5%) of the marks at Level 1 (knowing);
  • 35% (±5%) of the marks at Level 2 (applying routine procedures in familiar contexts);
  • 5% (minimum) of the marks at Level 3 (applying multi-step procedures in a variety of contexts). Comments on mark allocation: Given the nature of this subject where there is very little recall and/or emphasis on the memorisation of facts, it is not anticipated that one-mark questions will be included in the examination. Even in situations where all that is required is for information to be read straight from a table, the information in the table has to be interpreted and the appropriate information located and identified. This process involves two steps and should be awarded two marks. It is also envisioned that a mark will be allocated for each step of working required in a calculation.

Paper 2 Topics

An “applications” paper, using both familiar and unfamiliar contexts This examination paper is an “applications” paper and primarily contains multi-step procedures (Level 3) and reasoning and reflecting (Level 4) questions, and a small number of routine procedures (Level 2) questions. The purpose of the Level 2 questions in this paper is to provide learners with greater access to the contexts in which problems are situated.

Structure and scope of content:

A Mathematical Literacy Paper 2 examination will typically consist of four or five questions:

  • Each question will contain sub-questions.
  • Each question will explore one or more contexts, drawing on content and/skills from two or more of the following topics:
    • –  Finance
    • –  Measurement
    • –  Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world
    • –  Data handling with the content and/or skills outlined in the following topics integrated throughout each question:
      • –  Interpreting and communicating answers and calculations
      • –  Numbers and operations with numbers
      • –  Patterns, relationships and representations.
    • The topic of Probability will be assessed in the context of one or more of these questions and not as a question on its own.
    • Each question will include sub-questions consisting of a small number of questions at the routine procedures (Level 2) levels, and a greater number at the multi-step procedures (Level 3) and reasoning and reflecting (Level 4) levels.
    • The focus of each question will be on assessing the ability to explore and understand a context(s) rather than on mathematical proficiency. Scope of contexts: Contexts used in a Paper 2 examination will include both familiar and unfamiliar contexts and are not limited to those specified in the Curriculum Outline section of the CAPS document. Distribution of marks according to the taxonomy levels: A Paper 2 examination should include questions at the different levels of the taxonomy according to the following mark distribution:

• 25% of the marks at Level 2 (applying routine procedures in familiar contexts);

  • 35% of the marks at Level 3 (applying multi-step procedures in a variety of contexts);
  • 40% of the marks at Level 4 (reasoning and reflecting).

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