Packaging and Models Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 pdf Revision Notes

Packaging and Models Lessons and Notes for Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 pdf: When items are packed into a limited space like a box, cupboard or suitcase, how they are packed often determines how many items can fit into the space. A good example of this is trying to pack everything you need for your school day (like your books, sports equipment and food) into your school bag or backpack.

Prior Knowledge for Packaging and Models for Grade 12

Prior knowledge of the 3 – dimensional figures especially the identification of length, width and height; rounding; ratio between radius and diameter, calculator skills and logical reasoning are knowledge and skills will come in handy for the Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Models and Packaging lesson.

What aspects of PACKAGING are important to us?

  • What is packed? Rectangular boxes and cylindrical cans/tins
  • What is it packed into? Rectangular Containers / Boxes
  • How is it packed? There are different packaging ways e.g., packaging methods 1 and 2 but optimal use of space and cost-effectiveness must also be taken into account.

In today’s competitive market, companies are always looking for ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency in their processes. One crucial aspect of this is packaging. The way products are packed and stored can have a significant impact on both the space utilization and cost efficiency of the operation.

Aspects of Packaging

There are several factors that make packaging an important aspect of the manufacturing process. These include:

  1. Protection: Packaging is essential to protect the contents from damage during transportation and storage.
  2. Presentation: Appealing packaging can attract customers and improve sales.
  3. Information: Packaging provides important information about the product, such as usage instructions and nutritional facts.
  4. Space optimization: Efficient packaging can help maximize the use of space in storage and transportation.

Rectangular Boxes and Cylindrical Cans/Tins

These two common shapes of packaging are chosen for their own distinct advantages. Rectangular boxes are preferred for their ease of stacking and storage, as well as their ability to be packed closely together, which reduces wasted space. Cylindrical cans or tins, on the other hand, are ideal for preserving food items and can be efficiently stacked in a compact manner.

Packaging Methods

There are several methods for packing items, each with its pros and cons. Two common packaging methods are:

  1. Regular packing: This method involves arranging the boxes or cans in rows and columns, making it easy to stack and transport. However, this method can sometimes result in wasted space between items.
  2. Irregular packing: This method involves arranging the boxes or cans in a more random or irregular pattern, which can sometimes lead to better space utilization. However, this method may also make stacking and transportation more challenging.

Optimal Use of Space

To maximize the use of space in a container or box, it is essential to determine the most efficient way to pack the items. Mathematical literacy, particularly in geometry, can help to calculate the best packing arrangement that will fit the largest number of boxes or cans in a container.

Cost Efficiency

Packaging materials can be expensive, and finding the most cost-effective packaging solution is crucial. The smallest container that can accommodate a specific number of items should be used to minimize material costs. Mathematical literacy can also be applied here to find the optimal container size and packing arrangement for a given number of items.

Packaging is an essential aspect of the manufacturing process that can greatly impact the efficiency and cost of a business. By applying mathematical literacy, particularly in the areas of geometry and optimization, it is possible to find the best packaging solutions that maximize space utilization and minimize costs. This knowledge can be a valuable asset for Grade 12 students as they enter the workforce and encounter real-world applications of mathematics in various industries.

Optimal use of space

The boxes or cans should be packed in such a way that it fits the largest number of boxes/cans/tins in a container/box.

Packaging materials are expensive. The smallest container may need to be used for packaging of a certain number of boxes /tins /cans.

Watch: Maths Literacy: Episode 57: Packing and Models

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