Practical Strategies to implement the night before or the morning of writing the examination

On this page we suggest practical strategies to implement the night before and the morning of writing the examination. We also discuss what you need to do in the classroom just before you write your exam. There are a number of practical strategies that the learners can adopt and implement. Exam preparation is a skill that will come in handy even when you prepare for your higher exams in universities and colleges, as well as in the workplace.

How to prepare for Exams Video

List of Practical Strategies to implement before writing your exams

Below is a list of practical strategies to implement the night before or the morning of writing the examination:

The Night before the exam

  • Get enough sleep – you cannot write if you are tired.
  • Prepare all the equipment you might need like calculators etc.
  • Check the time and place you will need to write exams again

The Morning before the exam

  • eat a good breakfast or meal-you cannot concentrate on an empty stomach
  • visualise yourself being successful
  • arrive in time and go to the bathroom
  • avoid discussing the work with friends because this will confuse you ore make you nervous

In the Exam Room

  • think success while you breathe deeply
  • make sure you are handed the right paper especially in language e.g. HL /FAL
  • read and highlight the key words in the instructions
  • complete your details to the front of the exam book
  • read the questions and highlight the key words
  • work out how much time you have for each question

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