Drawbacks that campaigners should avoid for Social Media campaigns against human rights violations​

Drawbacks that campaigners should avoid for Social Media campaigns against human rights violations​

On this page we find out and discuss the drawbacks that campaigners should avoid in order to run a successful Social Media campaign against human rights violations​. Issues such as human rights violations (gender violence, discrimination, and bullying) are such sensitive topics that require caution. These are the issues that easily trigger negative emotions on … Read more

10 Ways on How Learners can Benefit from Social Media when Completing Formal Assessment Tasks

How Learners can Benefit from Social Media when Completing Formal Assessment Tasks

On this page, we discuss 10 proven ways on how learners can benefit from social media when completing formal assessment tasks. Social media has become a part of our daily lives and is transforming the way we learn and interact with others. As learners, we can leverage social media to our advantage when completing formal … Read more

Which ACT is Violated when Posting Private Information of Someone on Social Media

Which ACT is Violated when Posting Private Information of Someone on Social Media

On this page we focus on finding out which act is being violated when you post the private information of someone on social media: In recent years, the internet and social media platforms have become vital tools for communication, information sharing, and networking. However, these platforms have also given rise to new forms of harassment, … Read more

Dangers that Responsible Citizens could Encounter when using  Social Media to Discourage the Public from Dumping

Dangers that Responsible Citizens could Encounter when using  Social Media to Discourage the Public from Dumping

On this page, we identify possible dangers that responsible citizens could encounter when using social media to discourage the public from dumping: Title: Navigating the Risks: The Dangers Responsible Citizens May Encounter When Using Social Media to Discourage Public Littering Introduction Social media has become an integral tool for citizens advocating for environmental causes, from … Read more

Social Media’s Effectiveness in Advocating for Community Support for a Safe and Healthy Environment

Social Media’s Effectiveness in Advocating for Community Support for a Safe and Healthy Environment

On this page, we evaluate social media’s effectiveness in advocating for community support for a safe and healthy environment: Title: Social Media’s Effectiveness in Advocating for Community Support for a Safe and Healthy Environment Introduction Social media has revolutionized how we communicate, share information, and advocate for causes we care about. Among the myriad of … Read more

Reasons why Social Media could be considered the best Media Platform to combat Human Rights Violations

Three Reasons why Social Media could be considered the best Media Platform to combat Human Rights Violations

On this page, we discuss three reasons why social media could be considered the best media platform to combat human rights violations. When it comes to human rights violations, social media platforms can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. Social media has been linked to many incidents of human rights violations … Read more

Indicate any FOUR roles that social media could play in a democratic society

Indicate any FOUR roles that social media could play in a democratic society

On this page, we Indicate FOUR roles that social media could play in a democratic society. Title: Social Media: A Catalyst for Democracy In the digital era, social media platforms have evolved into powerful tools that play a critical role in shaping modern society. They have transformed how we communicate, share information, and interact with … Read more