Strategies that Responsible Citizens may use to Help Victims of Gender-based Violence

Strategies that Responsible Citizens may use to Help Victims of Gender-based Violence

Responsible citizens in South Africa can help victims of gender-based violence by: These actions collectively support and protect GBV victims in South Africa. Responsible citizens in South Africa can help victims of gender-based violence (GBV) by offering support, raising awareness, providing resources, advocating for policy changes, and creating safe environments. Offering Support Listen and Believe: … Read more

Differentiating Between Discrimination and Gender Inequality

Differentiating Between Discrimination and Gender Inequality

On this page, we differentiate between discrimination and gender inequality. Understanding the distinction between discrimination and gender inequality is crucial for addressing the social injustices that pervade many aspects of society. Differentiating Between Discrimination and Gender Inequality While both terms are related and often intersect, they refer to different phenomena: Here’s a table differentiating between … Read more

Three Ways in which Gender Inequality Negatively Impact the Ability of Grade 10 Learners to Succeed in their School Work

Three Ways in which Gender Inequality Negatively Impact the Ability of Grade 10 Learners to Succeed in their School Work

On this page, we explain three ways in which gender inequality could negatively impact the ability of grade 10 learners to succeed in their school work. Gender inequality remains a pressing issue in high schools around the globe, affecting students’ academic performance and future prospects. Grade 10 learners, in particular, face unique challenges that can … Read more

Four Stereotypical Views that may Lead to Gender Inequality

Four Stereotypical Views that may Lead to Gender Inequality

On this page, we briefly state four stereotypical views that may lead to gender inequality in society. Gender inequality remains a pervasive issue worldwide, deeply rooted in stereotypes that unfairly define capabilities, roles, and expectations based on one’s gender. These stereotypes not only limit individuals’ potential but also contribute to systemic inequality. Four Stereotypical Views … Read more

12 Reasons why incidents of Gender-based Violence in Communities Continue

12 Reasons why incidents of Gender-based Violence in Communities Continue

12 Reasons why incidents of Gender-based Violence in Communities Continue in South Africa: Gender-based violence (GBV) is defined as “the general term used to capture violence that occurs as a result of the normative role expectations associated with each gender, along with the unequal power relationships between genders, within the context of a specific society.” … Read more

How gender inequality in relationships could contribute to teenage pregnancy

How gender inequality in relationships could contribute to teenage pregnancy

On this page, we discuss how gender inequality in relationships could contribute to teenage pregnancy. Do you know that as of 2021, approximately three percent of females aged 14 to 19 years in South Africa stated that they were going through different stages of pregnancy within the last 12 months. Teenage pregnancy in South Africa remains a … Read more

Why Both Men and Women could become Victims of Gender-based Violence

Why Both Men and Women could become Victims of Gender-based Violence

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive and destructive form of violence that affects millions of people around the world. Although women are disproportionately affected by GBV, it is important to recognize that both men and women can become victims of gender-based violence. What is gender-based violence? Gender-based violence (GBV) refers to any form of violence … Read more

Reasons Why Survivors of Gender-based Violence may Feel Hesitant to Report Human Rights Violation

Reasons Why Survivors of Gender-based Violence may Feel Hesitant to Report this Human Rights Violation

On this page, we discuss the reasons on why survivors of gender-based violence may feel hesitant to report human rights violation: Title: Unveiling the Silence: Why Survivors of Gender-Based Violence May Hesitate to Report Gender-based violence (GBV) is a profound and widespread problem across the world, deeply rooted in gender inequality, and continues to be … Read more

At what Age do Children Make Gender-Stereotyped Game and Toy Choices?

At what Age do Children Make Gender-Stereotyped Game and Toy Choices?

At what Age do Children Make Gender-Stereotyped Game and Toy Choices? The topic of gender-stereotyped game and toy choices among children is one that has captured the attention of psychologists, educators, and parents alike. This article aims to delve into the age at which children start making gender-stereotyped game and toy choices, how this behavior … Read more