Why South Africans need to help those Affected by Gender-based Violence

Why South Africans need to help those Affected by Gender-based Violence

This page contains reasons why South Africans need to help those Affected by Gender-based Violence. According to UNHCR, Gender-Based violence refers to harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender. Gender-based violence mainly results as a sign of gender inequality, the abuse of power and harmful social norms and roles. It is estimated that one in three women will experience … Read more

Breaking the Cycle: How Society can Contribute to the Ongoing Displays of Gender Stereotypes in SA Communities

Breaking the Cycle: How Society can Contribute to the Ongoing Displays of Gender Stereotypes in SA Communities

On this page, we assess how society can continue to contribute to the ongoing displays of gender stereotypes in South African communities. Gender stereotypes have long been a pervasive issue in South African society. Despite efforts to promote gender equality and combat discrimination, many communities continue to perpetuate harmful beliefs about gender roles and expectations. … Read more

The Causes of gender-based Violence During Lockdown

The Causes of gender-based Violence During Lockdown

How did lockdown contribute to gender-based violence? On this page we discuss the causes of gender-based violence during lockdown (2020 – 2021). By early April 2020, over half the world’s population was living under lockdown and women and men with violent partners found themselves trapped with their abusers and cut off from the support of … Read more

The Negative Impact of Gender Differences in Sports Participation

The Negative Impact of Gender Differences in Sports Participation

On this page we evaluate the negative impact of gender differences in sports participation. Gender differences have always been a controversial topic, and the same applies to sports participation. Despite the strides made towards gender equality in sports, there are still several negative impacts associated with gender differences in sports participation in many countries, including … Read more

The Devastating Effects of Gender-Based Violence in South Africa: Real-Life Examples and the Way Forward

The Devastating Effects of Gender-Based Violence in South Africa: Real-Life Examples and the Way Forward

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive issue that affects millions of people worldwide, but it is particularly prevalent in South Africa. This form of violence, which includes physical, sexual, and psychological harm, disproportionately affects women and girls. Despite efforts to raise awareness and combat this problem, South Africa still has one of the highest rates … Read more

A Critical Discussion on Gender-Based Violence as a Human Rights Violation in South Africa: Acts and Examples

A Critical Discussion on Gender-Based Violence as a Human Rights Violation in South Africa: Acts and Examples

On this page, we critically discuss why gender-based violence remains a human rights violation in South Africa. Despite numerous legislative frameworks and international commitments, gender-based violence (GBV) remains a significant human rights violation in South Africa. This article critically examines why GBV persists as a human rights issue in the country, providing relevant acts and … Read more

What can Victims of Gender-based Violence do to Ensure Safety

What can Victims of Gender-based Violence do to Ensure Safety

What can be done by those who are Victims of gender-based Violence? Gender-based violence is a serious issue that affects many individuals, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, or identity. If you or someone you know is a victim of gender-based violence, it is important to take immediate action to ensure your safety and well-being. … Read more

How gender inequality in relationships could contribute to sexual abuse

How gender inequality in relationships could contribute to sexual abuse

Let’s discuss how gender inequality in relationships could contribute to sexual abuse. In most societies of today, males usually have more power than females. The gender power roles are traditional in that they are followed by generation after generation. How gender inequality in relationships could contribute to sexual abuse Gender inequality is a persistent problem … Read more

20 Examples of Traditional Gender Roles

Traditional Gender Roles

20 Examples of Traditional Gender Roles include: Let’s discuss more about these below: Traditional gender roles refer to societal and cultural expectations of behavior and attitudes associated with men and women. These expectations are typically based on gender, and often limit the choices and opportunities available to individuals. 20 Examples of Traditional Gender Roles Here … Read more

Reasons why Discrimination Against Gender is Illegal in the South African Constitution

Reasons why Discrimination Against Gender is Illegal in the South African Constitution

Reasons why Discrimination Against Gender is Illegal in the South African Constitution: Discrimination against gender, also known as gender discrimination, refers to the unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender or gender identity. This can take many forms, including unequal pay, denial of educational or employment opportunities, and gender-based violence. Gender discrimination is a … Read more