How many credits must be completed to pass 10-12

How many credits must be completed to pass 10-12

How many credits must be completed to pass 10-12, according to the Department of Basic Education? Learners in Grades 10-12 will be promoted from grade to grade if they have offered and completed the School-Based Assessment, Practical Assessment Tasks, where applicable, oral assessment and end-of-year examination requirements in not fewer than seven (7) subjects as … Read more

Ways in which Online Activists Could Practice Good Cyber Safety to Protect Themselves Against Online Threats

Ways in which Online Activists Could Practice Good Cyber Safety to Protect Themselves Against Online Threats

On this page, we discuss ways in which online activists could practice good cyber safety to protect themselves against online threats: Title: Navigating the Digital Terrain: Cyber Safety Practices for Online Activists Introduction In the wake of the digital revolution, online activism has become a powerful and important vehicle for social change. It offers an … Read more

Examples of How Student’s Human Rights were Violated during the #FeesMustFall Campaign

Examples of How Student's Human Rights were Violated during the #FeesMustFall Campaign

The #FeesMustFall campaign, which began in South Africa in 2015, represented a significant protest movement led by students. They were advocating for the decolonization of education, free education for all, and an end to outsourcing on university campuses. However, there were instances during the protests where the human rights of students were violated. It’s important … Read more

Life Orientation Grae 12 Exam Papers and Memos for 2020

Life Orientation Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos for 2020: Some Life Orientation Exam Questions you should Expect From The Question Papers Provide ONE advantage of electronic media. State TWO meanings of censorship with regards to the media. Provide THREE reasons why sport and recreation are important for South Africans. State TWO reasons why School … Read more

Distinguish between HIV and AIDS

Distinguish between HIV and AIDS

Distinguish between HIV and AIDS: Life Orientation Term 3 Notes. According to Aids Map, the terms HIV and AIDS are used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their differences. Here, we’ll discuss the definition and differences of both terms. HIV stands for ‘human immunodeficiency virus’. HIV belongs to a group of viruses called retroviruses. HIV attacks … Read more

How a high prevalence of human rights violations can negatively impact a community

How a high prevalence of human rights violations can negatively impact a community

On this page, we will indicate how a high prevalence of human rights violations can negatively impact a community. Human rights violations negative impact on a community It is important to always remember that human rights violations affect many more people than simply their direct victims within a community. The following can happen in a community … Read more

How Females are Discriminated Against in Sporting Activities

Critically discuss how females are discriminated against in sporting activities

On this page we will critically discuss how females are discriminated against in sporting activities. Females, when compared to males are still discriminated against when it comes to sport in general. The discrimination usually takes form through the wage gap, lack of adequate media coverage, and derogatory stereotypes against women. Video: Will Men and Women … Read more

Level of Stress and Stressors Grade 12 Life Orientation Notes pdf

Level of Stress and Stressors Grade 12 Life Orientation Notes

Level of Stress and Stressors Grade 12 Life Orientation Notes: What is stress? Stress is what we feel in situations we find difficult, challenging or even frightening. When we feel we can’t cope with the situation. What is good stress? Stress that makes you ready for action as it gives you adrenalin and energy. E.g. … Read more

Five Religious Principles or Factors that may impact positively on the issue of Teenage Pregnancy

Five Religious Principles or Factors that may impact positively on the issue of Teenage Pregnancy: Teenage pregnancy, occurring in girls aged 10–19 years, remains a serious health and social problem in South Africa and has been associated with numerous risk factors evident in the young people’s family, peer, school, and neighborhood contexts. There is evidence … Read more

How #FeesMustFall Campaign is an Example of Too Much Freedom of Expression: OPINION

How #FeesMustFall Campaign is an Example of Too Much Freedom of Expression: OPINION

How #FeesMustFall Campaign is an Example of Too Much Freedom of Expression: OPINION Summary Points: Disruptive Protests: Critics argue that the #FeesMustFall campaign crossed the line of freedom of expression into disruptive protests, causing property damage and interrupting academic activities, thereby infringing on others’ rights. ‘No-Platforming’ and Exclusion: The strategy of silencing dissenting voices, or … Read more