FOUR ways in which limitation to freedom of expression protects the citizens

FOUR ways in which limitation to freedom of expression protects the citizens

On this page will critically briefly discuss and outline ways in which limitation to freedom of expression protects the citizens in a democratic South Africa. The limitation to freedom of expression is applied when it threatens national security, justice or the personal safety of an individual Life Orientation Grade 12 FOUR ways in which limitation … Read more

Four Benefits of the youth participation in Community and Substance Abuse Campaigns

Four benefits of the youth participation in community and substance abuse campaigns

On this page, we state four benefits of the youth participation in community and substance abuse campaigns. Engaging in community endeavours and creating awareness about critical societal issues has always been of paramount importance. But when it comes to substance abuse campaigns, the role of youth cannot be overstated. The younger generation, with their vibrant … Read more

How can the #Feesmustfall Campaign be Justified

How can the #Feesmustfall Campaign be Justified

How can the #Feesmustfall Campaign be Justified? The #FeesMustFall campaign began in South Africa in 2015, sparked by proposed university fee increases that sparked widespread protests among students. Many who support the movement argue that it represents an essential fight against systemic inequality in the education system, a carry-over from apartheid’s damaging legacy. On the … Read more

Five Reasons for the High rate of Unemployment in South Africa

Five Reasons for the High rate of Unemployment in South Africa

In South Africa, the high rate of unemployment is always concerning. Perhaps if we identify the reasons for such a high unemployment rate, a solution can be found. On this page, we discuss five reasons for the high rate of unemployment in South Africa. Before we get into the typical causes of unemployment at any … Read more

How Learners can Promote the Bill of Rights to Eliminate Discriminatory Tendencies in their Schools

How Learners can Promote the Bill of Rights to Eliminate Discriminatory Tendencies in their Schools

On this page, we suggest ways in which learners could effectively promote the Bill of Rights in order to eliminate discriminatory tendencies in their schools. In the quest for a more inclusive and equal society, it is imperative for learners to actively promote the Bill of Rights in their schools. These fundamental rights serve as … Read more

How Constructive and Destructive Relationships Influence Well-being

Two ways in which destructive relationships influence well-being

On this page, we explain how constructive and destructive relationships influence well-being. Constructive and destructive relationships can have a significant impact on well-being. Constructive relationships are characterized by positive interactions, mutual respect, and support, while destructive relationships are characterized by negative interactions, conflict, and harm. How Constructive and Destructive Relationships Influence Well-being Here’s how constructive … Read more

Rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships

Rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships

Rights and responsibilities in sexual relationships ( Life Orientation Grade 12 ): It is a fact that mutual respect for rights and responsibilities could sustain a positive relationship. Examples of rights and responsibilities in a sexual relationship are discussed. Life Orientation Grade 12 What is rape? Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving … Read more

Life Orientation LO Grade 12 Study Guides and Summary Notes

Life Orientation Grade 12 Study Guides and Summary Notes

Life Orientation Grade 12 Study Guides and Summary Notes pdf for free downloads. Life Orientation guides and prepares you for life, life’s responsibilities, possibilities, and all of life’s challenges. You will engage in critical discussions for reflection hence you should exit the schooling system with skills that have prepared you to be a responsible citizen who can live meaningfully and contribute constructively to the economy of the country and community life, and your knowledge of health and exercise should prevent lifestyle illnesses.

Life Orientation LO Grade 12 Study Guide and Notes


Level of Stresses Life Orientation Grade 12 Notes

Life Orientation Summary Notes Grade 12

Life Orientation Grade 12 Topics

1. Development of the self in society

  • Healthy lifestyle choices
  • Stress: identifying, coping with, levels of stress, managing stress
  • Conflict resolution: ways to resolve conflict
  • Communication: feelings, beliefs, attitudes
  • Transition between school and post-school destination
  • Personal lifestyle plan to promote quality of life
  • Human factors that cause ill-health, accidents, crises and disasters
  • Lifestyle diseases
  • Commitment to participate in Physical Education exercise activities for long-term engagement

2. Physical Education

  • À  Relaxation and recreational activities
  • Games and sport
  • Personal fitness and health goals

3. Study skills

4. Democracy and Human Rights

  • Responsible citizenship
  • Discrimination and violation of human rights
  • Role of the media in a democratic society
  • Ideologies, beliefs and worldviews on recreation and physical activities

5. Social and Environmental responsibility

  • Community responsibility to promote safe and healthy living
  • Formulating a personal mission statement
  • Impact of vision on actions/ behaviour in life

6. Career and Career Choices

  • Commitment to a decision taken
  • Application for a job/ further study
  • Strategies to achieve goals
  • Reasons for and impact of unemployment
  • Innovative solutions to counteract unemployment:
    • volunteering,
    • part-time jobs,
    • community work,
    • entrepreneurship and informal jobs
  • Financial and social viability, including SARS tax obligations À Impact of corruption and fraud
  • Core elements of a job contract: worker rights and obligations; conditions of service
  • Labour Laws; Trade unions
  • Equity and redress
  • Work ethics and societal expectations
  • The value of work: how work gives meaning to life

THREE Factors which could Make the Student Concern Recur

THREE Factors which could Make the Student Concern Recur

On this page, we discuss three factors that could make the student concern to recur. Title: Three Factors Potentially Provoking Student Concern Recurrence Introduction In the ever-evolving academic landscape, students grapple with a range of concerns that can potentially recur over time. These recurring concerns can negatively impact their academic performance, mental health, and overall … Read more