Top Business Management Degrees in South Africa

Top Business Management Degrees in South Africa

Higher Certificate in Business Management  at Regent

The Higher Certificate in Business Management (HCIBM) is a 1 year programme that provides an overview of the essentials of business management theory and practice. It is designed to provide a convenient and appropriate avenue into business management studies for those individuals whose objective is to gain employment or successfully climb the corporate ladder. This Certificate is an excellent way for students to broaden their understanding of the intrinsic functions of business management such as finance, communications and marketing. The course develops skills necessary to enhance productivity, effectiveness and better performance in the business environment.

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Bachelor of Business Administration at Milpark Education

Bachelor of Business Administration general degree is designed to offer a well-balanced exposure to the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to operate effectively in a general management environment, or as a foundation for postgraduate studies in Business Administration or related areas.

The Milpark Education School of Commerce BBA seeks to develop graduates’ business acumen and management capabilities through systematically building up knowledge in key business areas. Students will understand the entrepreneurial process and the role of entrepreneurship in business and economic development, and acquiring business education and learning skills that will enable them to pursue various management and administrative roles.

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Business Management Degree at UNISA

The purpose of this module is to provide students with the necessary background in terms of the role of portfolios as an important driver of strategy (and strategy implementation specifically) in contemporary business organisations. The module focuses on the general management principles pertaining to the management of a business by portfolio. The planning, organising, leading and control functions of a manager are applied to portfolio planning, organising, implementation and control.

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Online Management Courses


Operations Management at UCT

In a world defined by who can get the most done in the shortest amount of time, businesses rely on operations managers to ensure efficient systems are being used to minimise effort and maximise profit.

Is it time for you to master planning, scheduling, capacity and process optimisation, qualifying you to fill the increasing number of operation management jobs? Your solution could be an operations management course.

Ensure quality operations management in your organisation by finding the perfect processes for the people who have to get the work done with this operations management course.

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