What to Study with Maths Lit and Tourism Subject Choices

On this page, you will find careers you can study towards, for Mathematical Literacy and Tourism Subject Choices in Grade 10 – 12.

Are you a high school student with Maths Lit and Tourism in your subject lineup? Wondering what to study after you pass Matric? It’s great news that you don’t need Pure Mathematics for many exciting career paths. Here, we’re going to explore five fantastic options that align well with your subjects. These choices not only play to your strengths but also open doors to rewarding careers. Let’s dive into each option and see what might be the best fit for you!

1. Tourism and Hospitality Management

What You’ll Learn: How to run hotels, travel agencies, and understand the travel industry. Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Tourism Management
  • Bachelor in Hospitality Management Why It’s Good: You already know about tourism from school, which will help a lot in these courses.

2. Marketing and Business Studies

What You’ll Learn: Ways to sell products, understand customers, and manage a business. Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Marketing Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration Why It’s Good: Maths Lit helps you with the basic number stuff needed in business.

3. Human Resources Management

What You’ll Learn: How to hire people, manage staff, and make sure everyone at work is happy. Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Human Resources Management
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources Why It’s Good: You’ll use your people skills from Tourism and basic maths in managing staff.

4. Public Relations and Communications

What You’ll Learn: How to handle a company’s public image and communicate well with people. Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Public Relations
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science Why It’s Good: Your knowledge from Tourism about dealing with people will be really useful.

5. Event Management

What You’ll Learn: How to plan and run big events like concerts, weddings, or business meetings. Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Event Management
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Event Management Why It’s Good: If you’re good at organizing things and like making plans, this could be perfect for you.


  • Skills Are Key: What you’re good at and enjoy doing matters a lot.
  • No Need for Pure Maths: You can do these courses without having to be a maths expert.
  • Choose What Excites You: Pick a course that sounds fun and interesting to you!

With Maths Lit and Tourism, you’ve got some great options that can lead to exciting careers. Go for what you love!

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