Who is Responsible for the Collection of School Fees in South Africa?

Who is Responsible for the Collection of School Fees in South Africa?

The question of who is responsible for the collection of school fees is a topic that often arises among parents, educators, and policymakers in South Africa. Understanding the roles and responsibilities involved in this process is crucial for the smooth functioning of the educational system. This article aims to shed light on the entities and individuals responsible for the collection of school fees in South Africa.

Who is Responsible for the Collection of School Fees in South Africa?

In South Africa, the responsibility for the collection of school fees in public schools primarily lies with the School Governing Body (SGB) and the school administration. The SGB, which is made up of elected members including parents and educators, sets the school fees and oversees the financial management of the school. The day-to-day collection activities, such as invoicing and receipt of payments, are usually handled by the school’s administrative or financial staff. Parents are legally obligated to pay these fees, and failure to do so can result in legal action. In private schools, the school’s administrative or financial department is generally responsible for fee collection.

The School Governing Body (SGB)

In South Africa, the School Governing Body (SGB) plays a pivotal role in the financial management of public schools, including the collection of school fees. Comprising elected members such as parents, educators, and in some cases, students, the SGB is responsible for setting the school fees for each academic year. They are also tasked with ensuring that these fees are collected in a timely and efficient manner.

The School Administration

While the SGB sets the fees, the day-to-day responsibility of fee collection often falls on the school administration. This includes the school’s financial officers, bursars, or administrative staff, who handle the invoicing, receipt of payments, and follow-up on overdue accounts.

The Parents

Parents are, of course, responsible for making the actual payments. In South Africa, school fees are a legal obligation for parents and guardians. Failure to pay these fees can result in legal action, although there are provisions for exemptions or reductions based on financial need.

The Department of Education

The Department of Education oversees the educational system at a provincial and national level but is generally not involved in the direct collection of school fees for public schools. However, they do provide guidelines and regulations that schools must follow in the fee collection process. In cases where there are disputes or issues related to school fees, the Department may intervene to provide resolution.

Private Schools

In the case of private schools, the responsibility for fee collection usually lies entirely with the school’s administrative or financial department. Private schools are independent entities and thus have their own policies and procedures for fee collection, which are often outlined in the contractual agreement signed upon enrolment.


The collection of school fees in South Africa is a shared responsibility involving multiple parties, from the School Governing Body and school administration to the parents themselves. Understanding these roles can help ensure that the process is carried out efficiently, allowing schools to maintain the quality of education they provide. With the backing of guidelines from the Department of Education, the system aims to be as fair and transparent as possible, ensuring that every child has access to quality education.

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