Why is it important to observe safety protocol in performing the different physical activities

[Answered] Why is it important to observe safety protocol in performing the different physical activities? [Physical Education]. Well, physical activities tend to be accompanied by some types of injuries, if safety protocols are not observed. So, what is the importance of being informed about safety protocols when doing physical activities? Let’s read below:

Benefits of performing the different physical activities

Physical Activities, such as Excercise, yield good results if done safely, such as:

  • stronger muscles, increased body endurance, and decreased fall risk
  • Increased immune system, less likely to become ill
  • Increased digestive system, thus better regulated digestion
  • Improved blood pressure, thus decreasing risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Decreased risk of getting diabetes and better diabetes control for those already diagnosed with diabetes
  • Increased bone density, thus less susceptible to broken bones
  • Decreased risk of getting Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Decreased risk of becoming obese
  • Decreased risk of developing heart disease
  • Decreased risk of getting certain types of cancers
  • Decreased risk of developing osteoporosis

Reasons why is it important to observe safety protocol in performing the different physical activities

The importance of observing safety protocols when doing any form of physical activity is that:

  • You prevent injuries to your self and others.
  • You can teach others on how to performing the different physical activities in a safe manner.
  • By observing safety protocol in performing the different physical activities (including excercises), you achive the intended results of the activity.

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