Why is it so important to check the accreditation of a private Higher Learning Institution

On this page we will discuss why is it so important to check the accreditation of private Higher Learning Institutions. After passing your Grade 12, It is very critical to do a thorough check of the particular higher education institution that you would like to study at.

Do you know that South Africa has up to 26 Universities and more than 200 Colleges to study at? While almost all universities in South Africa are accredited for the courses they provide, some colleges may not entirely comply with the South African Accreditation requirements. It is very common in South Africa to have a college that is temporarily registered to solely defraud students and parents. These types of bogus colleges usually exist for less than a year and close doors for good. Leaving students and parents in the mist.

Reasons why is it so important to check the accreditation of a Private Higher Learning Institution

It is very important to always check on the accreditation status of a college offering Further Education and Training (FET) courses, as there are many fraudulent companies who claim to offer FET courses but fail to register with the Department of Higher education.

Reasons why is it so important to check the accreditation of a private Higher Learning Institution
Reasons why is it so important to check the accreditation of a private Higher Learning Institution

Getting False Qualifications

By checking if a private Higher Education is registered and fully accredited, you know that the qualification you will obtain are legit and will get you a job

Unnecessary money spending

When you study at a college that is not accredited you are wasting money unnecessarily.

Criminal Activities

If you apply for a job at an uncredited Higher Learning Institution, you risk getting your self on the wrong side of the law

List of Higher Learning Accreditation Bodies

Make sure the course you would like to study is fully accredited by the relevant professional body. Some of the accreditation bodies include the following:

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