This page contains Wiskunde (Mathematics) CAPS Document for FET Phase Grade 10 – 12 (Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12). The CAPS Document includes 2021, 2022, and 2023 latest Lesson Plans for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4. This is the most important information for Teachers and Learners, that guides the progress of the Wiskunde (Mathematics) subject curriculum for the FET Phase as per the South African Department of Education standards.
Wiskunde is ‘n taal wat gebruik maak van simbole en notasies om numeriese, meetkundige en grafiese verwantskappe te beskryf. Dit is ‘n menslike aktiwiteit wat waarneming, voorstelling en ondersoek na patrone en kwalitatiewe verwantskappe in fisiese en maatskaplike verskynsels sowel as tussen wiskundige voorwerpe behels. Dit help met die ontwikkelingsprosesse wat besluitneming ten opsigte van logiese en kritiese denke, akkuraatheid en probleemoplossing sal bevorder. Wiskundige probleemoplossing stel ons in staat om die wêreld (fisies, maatskaplik en ekonomies) te verstaan en bowenal leer dit ons om vindingryk te dink.
The document contains the prescribed learning content as well as the weekly and annual teaching plans for Wiskunde (Mathematics) for FET Phase (Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12), which includes:
- Informal Assessments
- Daily Assessments
- Moderation and Marking of Assessments
- Tasks and Projects
- Investigations
- Practical Work, and
- Demonstrations
The document gives a clear indication of what topics and learning outcomes are required for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4.
Contents of the Wiskunde (Mathematics) CAPS Document for FET Phase Grade 10 – 12: Lesson Plans Details
Wiskunde (Mathematics) Grade 10
- Weekly lesson plans for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4
- Assessment Guidelines: Daily Assessments, Informal Assessments, Formal Assessments
- Exams Guidelines
Wiskunde (Mathematics) Grade 11
- Weekly lesson plans for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4
- Assessment Guidelines: Daily Assessments, Informal Assessments, Formal Assessments
- Exams Guidelines
Wiskunde (Mathematics) Grade 12
- Weekly lesson plans for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4
- Assessment Guidelines: Daily Assessments, Informal Assessments, Formal Assessments
- Exams Guidelines
Download the Wiskunde (Mathematics) CAPS Document for FET Phase Grade 10 – 12
Below you can download the Wiskunde (Mathematics) CAPS Document for FET Phase (Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12) in pdf format.
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“Find all 100s of Mathematics Subject Grade 12 previous question papers and memos in Afrikaans language, from”

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We have compiled great resources for Mathematics Grade 12 students in one place. Find all Question Papers, Notes, Previous Tests, Annual Teaching Plans, and CAPS Documents.