10 Ways on How Learners can Benefit from Social Media when Completing Formal Assessment Tasks

On this page, we discuss 10 proven ways on how learners can benefit from social media when completing formal assessment tasks. Social media has become a part of our daily lives and is transforming the way we learn and interact with others. As learners, we can leverage social media to our advantage when completing formal assessment tasks.

10 Ways on How Learners can Benefit from Social Media when Completing Formal Assessment Tasks

Here are ten examples of how learners can benefit from social media when completing formal assessment tasks:

  1. Collaboration: Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn allow learners to collaborate with peers, share ideas, and provide feedback on each other’s work. This collaborative process can help learners to gain a deeper understanding of the topic and identify areas of improvement.
  2. Research: Social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram can be a rich source of information and inspiration for learners. Learners can follow subject matter experts and thought leaders, participate in Twitter chats, and access relevant hashtags to discover new perspectives and ideas.
  3. Peer review: Social media platforms like Google Docs and Dropbox enable learners to share their work with peers for feedback and review. This process can help learners to identify areas for improvement and refine their work.
  4. Instant feedback: Social media platforms like YouTube and Vimeo provide learners with the opportunity to receive instant feedback on their work. Learners can share their videos or presentations and receive feedback in real-time from peers and experts.
  5. Time management: Social media platforms like Trello and Asana allow learners to manage their time effectively, set deadlines, and track progress on their assessment tasks. This can help learners to stay focused and motivated throughout the assessment process.
  6. Improved communication: Social media platforms like WhatsApp and Slack can help learners to communicate effectively with their peers and teachers. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  7. Visual aids: Social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram can be used by learners to create visual aids and infographics that can be incorporated into their assessment tasks. This can help to make their work more engaging and memorable.
  8. Peer teaching: Social media platforms like YouTube and Periscope can be used by learners to create and share videos that explain complex concepts to their peers. This process can help learners to develop a deeper understanding of the topic and improve their communication skills.
  9. Access to resources: Social media platforms like LinkedIn and ResearchGate can help learners to access relevant research papers, case studies, and other resources that can be used in their assessment tasks.
  10. Online communities: Social media platforms like Reddit and Quora provide learners with the opportunity to join online communities and ask questions related to their assessment tasks. This can help learners to gain new perspectives and insights on the topic and improve their critical thinking skills.

Video: SOCIAL MEDIA Enhancing Student’s Academic Performance

The Future of Learning and the World of Social Media

The future of learning and social media is one that is rapidly evolving, and the potential for growth is enormous. With the rise of social media, more and more people are turning to these platforms as a way to learn and gain knowledge. In fact, a recent study found that 70% of learners use social media as part of their learning process (EdSurge, 2019). This trend is only set to continue, and social media is likely to play an even more significant role in the future of learning.

One of the main reasons for this trend is the increasing popularity of online learning. E-learning is a rapidly growing market, and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are increasingly being used to supplement traditional learning methods. According to a recent report by Technavio, the global e-learning market is expected to grow by $72.41 billion between 2020 and 2024, with social media playing a significant role in this growth (Technavio, 2020).

Another factor contributing to the future of learning and social media is the increasing demand for personalized learning. With the help of social media, learners can connect with peers, access relevant resources, and receive personalized feedback, all of which can help to improve their learning outcomes. A recent survey found that 77% of learners believe that personalized learning is important, and 59% believe that social media can play a role in this (eLearning Industry, 2018).

In conclusion, the future of learning and social media is one that is full of promise and potential. With the increasing popularity of online learning, the demand for personalized learning, and the rise of social media, there is no doubt that these platforms will play an even more significant role in the years to come. As we look to the future, it is clear that social media will continue to be an essential tool for learners, educators, and anyone interested in lifelong learning.

Social media can be a valuable tool for learners when completing formal assessment tasks. By leveraging the benefits of social media platforms, learners can collaborate with peers, access relevant resources, and gain new insights on the topic. This can help learners to improve their understanding of the subject, develop critical thinking skills, and achieve academic success.


EdSurge. (2019). Report: Social Media Is Failing To Deliver for Online Education. Retrieved from https://www.edsurge.com/news/2019-06-11-report-social-media-is-failing-to-deliver-for-online-education

Technavio. (2020). E-Learning Market by End-user, Geography, and Delivery Mode – Forecast and Analysis 2020-2024. Retrieved from https://www.technavio.com/report/e-learning-market-industry-analysis

eLearning Industry. (2018). 10 eLearning Trends That Will Dominate In 2019. Retrieved from https://elearningindustry.com/elearning-trends-10-dominating-2019

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