A Guide to Understanding the Remission of Penalties and Interests by SARS in South Africa

A Guide to Understanding the Remission of Penalties and Interests by SARS in South Africa: The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is responsible for collecting taxes on behalf of the government. However, there are times when taxpayers may struggle to meet their tax obligations, resulting in penalties and interest being imposed on their outstanding amounts. To alleviate this burden, SARS provides a remission of penalties and interests option to qualifying taxpayers. In this article, we will explore what remission of penalties and interests by SARS means and how it works in South Africa.

Understanding the Remission of Penalties and Interests by SARS in South Africa

Definition of Remission of Penalties and Interests:

Remission of penalties and interests is a relief measure that SARS offers to taxpayers who have incurred penalties and interests due to late or non-payment of taxes. The remission reduces or waives the penalties and interests owed, allowing the taxpayer to settle their outstanding tax debt without incurring additional financial burdens.

Qualifying for Remission:

To qualify for remission of penalties and interests, taxpayers must meet certain criteria.

  • Firstly, they must have a history of complying with tax regulations and paying their taxes on time.
  • Secondly, they must have a valid reason for not paying their taxes on time, such as a natural disaster, financial hardship, or illness.
  • Finally, they must have made an effort to settle their outstanding tax debt as soon as possible.

How Remission Works:

The remission of penalties and interests is not automatic and requires an application to be made to SARS. The application process is straightforward, and taxpayers can complete and submit the relevant forms electronically or at a SARS branch. The application must be accompanied by supporting documents, such as proof of financial hardship, to justify the request for remission. Once the application is approved, the penalties and interests owed will be reduced or waived, and the taxpayer will be required to pay only the original tax debt.

Benefits of Remission:

The remission of penalties and interests by SARS provides several benefits to qualifying taxpayers. Firstly, it reduces or eliminates the financial burden of paying additional penalties and interests, allowing taxpayers to focus on settling their tax debt. Secondly, it promotes compliance with tax regulations by providing a lifeline to taxpayers who are facing financial difficulties. Finally, it helps to reduce the number of tax defaulters and improves the overall tax collection system.

Get a Consultant to Help you Get Remission of your Tax Penalties


The remission of penalties and interests by SARS is a vital relief measure that helps to ease the burden on taxpayers who are struggling to meet their tax obligations. By qualifying for remission, taxpayers can reduce or waive the penalties and interests owed and focus on settling their outstanding tax debt. It is important to note that remission is not automatic and requires an application to be made to SARS. By complying with tax regulations and seeking assistance when needed, taxpayers can avoid penalties and interests altogether and contribute to the growth and development of South Africa’s economy.

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