A strategy that one can adopt to obtain a medical degree despite not being accepted at Medical School

The question may be given to you as follows: advice the parent on a strategy that the daughter can adopt to obtain her medical degree despite not being accepted at medical school. On this page, we give learners tips on how to answer this type of question.

About Medical Schools

When people hear “Medical School”, all they think about is “becoming a Medical Doctor”. Well that is correct if you are studying “Medicine or Medical” Degree. However, there are also many fields of study from different schools in South Africa and all over the world, which are all related to medical studies. Below is a list of different courses and programmes which can be studied at most Medical Schools and Universities under Health Sciences Faculties:

  • Human Physiology
  • Pharmacy
  • Radiography (Ultrasound)
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Occupational Therapy

Recommended strategy to obtain a medical degree despite not being accepted at Medical School

Many great students’ applications towards studying a Medical Degree, will be rejected for many reasons. Some reasons may include: applying late; not meeting minimum requirements (APS Score); or aximum application slots have been filled by highly qualifying students

There are still ways in which one can still obtain a medical degree despite not being accepted at medical school in their first year:

  • Enrolling for a Nursing Degree and eventually convert it into a Medical Degree
  • Applying for any related Health Sciences Degree which might still give you the same fulfilment, such as Pharmacy, Radiography, Occupational Therapy and more
  • Rewriting Matric to achive better Maths and Science grades , as well as your overall APS score.

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