Careers for Economics with Pure Mathematics Subject Choice: Study Options

Let’s find out what career choices you are able to study at Universities or Colleges if you chose Economics with Pure Mathematics Grade 10 -12 subjects.

Charting Career Paths in Economics with a Pure Mathematics Foundation

Choosing Economics and Pure Mathematics as your subjects in high school sets you up for an exciting range of career opportunities. This combination is particularly powerful as it merges the analytical and quantitative aspects of mathematics with the theoretical and practical elements of economics. Let’s explore the various study options and potential careers for students with this subject pairing, along with suggested additional subjects to fully prepare for these career paths.

Financial Analyst

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Commerce in Finance or Economics.
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Accounting or Business Studies.
  • Career Path: Financial Analyst, Investment Analyst.
  • Why This Path?: The combination of Economics and Pure Mathematics is ideal for careers in finance, where you’ll analyze financial data and market trends to make informed investment decisions.

Actuarial Science

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science.
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Information Technology or Accounting.
  • Career Path: Actuary, Risk Assessor.
  • Why This Path?: Actuarial science requires strong mathematical skills to assess risk in the insurance and finance sectors. Economics provides a solid understanding of market behaviors and financial systems.


  • Study Option: Bachelor of Economics with a specialization in Econometrics.
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Statistics or Computer Applications Technology.
  • Career Path: Econometrician, Data Analyst.
  • Why This Path?: Econometrics combines economic theory with mathematical formulas and models. It’s perfect for students interested in using statistics to analyze economic data.

Market Research Analyst

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing, with electives in economics.
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Business Studies or Statistics.
  • Career Path: Market Research Analyst, Marketing Strategist.
  • Why This Path?: This role involves using mathematical skills to interpret market data and help businesses understand economic trends and consumer behaviors.

Economic Policy Analyst

  • Study Option: Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Public Policy.
  • Recommended Additional Subject: Political Science or History.
  • Career Path: Policy Analyst, Economic Advisor.
  • Why This Path?: This career is about applying economic principles to develop and analyze policies. It’s suited for those interested in the intersection of economics, politics, and societal impacts.

Each of these career options leverages the analytical strength of Pure Mathematics and the theoretical and practical knowledge of economics, preparing you for a diverse array of professions in both the public and private sectors. By incorporating the recommended additional subjects, you can further enhance your skill set and open up even more specialized career opportunities.

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