Civil And Construction Technology NCV Level 4 Past Exam Papers & Learning Material

Civil And Construction Technology NCV Level 4 Past Exam Papers with memorandums & Learning Material in pdf downloadable format for Term 1 (March) , Term 2 (June), Term 3 (September), and Term 4 (November). Civil and Construction Technology provides training to construction students on how to set out construction work using setting out equipment. The subject deals with the interpretation and application of reinforced concrete drawings in so far as concrete, foundations, floor finishing and erection of structural steel structures are concerned.. Civil And Construction Technology (Civil Engineering and Buiding Construction) is a  Level 4 subject.

This is a one year learning programme comprising of 200 teaching and learning hours. The subject may be offered on a part-time basis provided all assessment requirements set out hereunder are adhered to.
Students with special educational needs (LSEN) must be catered for in a way that eliminates any barriers to learning.

Civil And Construction Technology Level 4 Past Exam Papers and Memos

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