Factors to be considered in making career decisions

On this page, we will outline the main factors to consider in choosing a career. Career planning is a significant step in a person’s life and needs to be done by every person. There are countless advantages and benefits of career planning for students and employees that want to build a stable and desired future. The main disadvantage of not making a career decision about your life is that your life becomes like a further floating in the air. Wherever the wind blows, the further will go there (even if there is fire).

There is no formula for success. Every person alive can choose how and when they want to start making changes in their lives. It doesn’t matter how old they are or how young they are. Every person should define their own success that fulfills them. Your career choice and goals also need to fulfill you. When setting career goals, you need to know who you are first. Identify those abilities that come almost naturally to you and link them to a closely related career path.

For example, if taking care of other people comes almost naturally to you, you should consider careers such as Nursing, Medicine, Social Work, etc. Then you will build a very rewarding career that fulfills you as a person. Think about this for a second “the world rewards significantly those who go an extra mile on whatever they are doing. So, if you are stuck on a career path that you don’t like, how will you go the extra mile?”

Tip: Ask yourself what you would be prepared to sacrifice for your career. For example, if you want to become a pilot, air hostess or truck driver you will probably spend a lot of time away from home. If you want to become a scientific researcher and develop a cure for a rare disease you will probably spend many years studying. If you want to become a famous rock star, actor or actress you need to be prepared to experience a lot of rejection before you get your big break. Think hard about the potential sacrifices you would need to make and use this to guide you in your career choice.

This information will be useful for Life Orientation Grade 11 Learners

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List of Factors to be considered in making career decisions

List of Factors to be considered in making career decisions
List of Factors to be considered in making career decisions

Before choosing a career, you need to be true to yourself and ask yourself a number of questions. Below are five factors that need to be considered in making career decisions:

  • What are your main interests and talents?
  • How do you choose to spend your time?….with other people?…reading? ..playing on your computer?…playing sports, etc.?
  • What job would you like to have one day?
  • What level of education do you need to have that job?
  • Do you wish to follow in your parents’ footsteps in terms of career?

A Quick Guide on Setting up Career Goals

A Quick Guide on Setting up Career Goals
A Quick Guide on Setting up Career Goals

When setting up a career goal or plan, you should align it with the below goal-setting strategy:

  • The plan is realistic: You can achieve your goal and attaining it is not beyond your reach. For example, expecting to lose ten kilograms in a week is not realistic.
  • The plan is flexible: It is not rigid and can be modified. For example, you plan to walk to school every day in order to lose weight, but you must be flexible so that you allow yourself to use the bus on days that you feel unwell, or on rainy days.
  • The plan is time-bound: You must be able to achieve your goal within a specific time, otherwise it might be forgotten or taken over by other activities.
  • The plan is suitable: The plan suits your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your unique circumstances.

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