Global Studies Degree Job Types and Salaries in South Africa

What can you become after studying Global Studies Degree in South Africa? In other words, what jobs are you likely to get, that require Global Studies qualification, and how much do they pay? Well on this page we explorehe list of jobs that candidates who have completed Global Studies Degree  are mostly likely to get. We also explore the monthly salaries associated with those job positions. Furthermore, we list the type of places where you are likely to find jobs that require Global Studies Degree in South Africa.

Global Studies Degree Job Types and Salaries in South Africa

A global studies degree is an interdisciplinary field that prepares graduates for a variety of careers in the public and private sectors. The degree equips students with the skills and knowledge to analyze global trends, international relations, and global economics. This broad range of skills can be applied to a diverse range of job opportunities, making the degree highly versatile and in-demand in South Africa.

In South Africa, the job market for global studies graduates is rapidly expanding. The country’s strong economy, combined with its strategic location and role in international affairs, makes it a hub for international business and diplomacy. Here are some of the job types and salaries that a global studies graduate can expect in South Africa:

International Relations Specialist

International relations specialists work to maintain and improve relations between countries. This can involve developing and implementing policies, negotiating agreements, and building partnerships. The average salary for an international relations specialist in South Africa is around R495,000 per year.


Diplomats represent their country’s interests in foreign affairs. They work to maintain and strengthen diplomatic ties with other countries and negotiate treaties and agreements. The average salary for a diplomat in South Africa is around R530,000 per year.

Global Human Resources Manager

Global human resources managers oversee the recruitment and retention of employees in multinational companies. They ensure that the company’s HR policies are aligned with local laws and customs, and they work to develop a diverse and inclusive workforce. The average salary for a global HR manager in South Africa is around R815,000 per year.

International Marketing Manager

International marketing managers work to promote a company’s products or services in foreign markets. They develop marketing strategies that take into account local cultural and economic factors, and they work to build relationships with customers and stakeholders. The average salary for an international marketing manager in South Africa is around R731,000 per year.

Foreign Correspondent

Foreign correspondents are journalists who report on international news and events. They may work for newspapers, magazines, or broadcast media, and they often travel to other countries to cover stories. The average salary for a foreign correspondent in South Africa is around R380,000 per year.

Global Development Specialist

Global development specialists work to promote sustainable development in developing countries. They may work for non-governmental organizations, international aid agencies, or government agencies. They design and implement programs that address issues such as poverty, health, education, and economic development. The average salary for a global development specialist in South Africa is around R570,000 per year.

Foreign Service Officer

Foreign service officers represent their country’s interests abroad, working in a range of fields such as diplomacy, trade, and cultural exchange. They may work for the foreign service, diplomatic corps, or other government agencies. The average salary for a foreign service officer in South Africa is around R350,000 per year.

Global Supply Chain Manager

Global supply chain managers oversee the movement of goods and services across borders. They work to optimize the flow of products and services, ensuring that they are delivered on time and in good condition. They may also work to manage logistics and supply chain relationships with suppliers and partners. The average salary for a global supply chain manager in South Africa is around R850,000 per year.

Global Education Coordinator

Global education coordinators work to develop and implement educational programs that promote intercultural understanding and global awareness. They may work for schools, universities, or non-governmental organizations. They design curricula, organize study abroad programs, and manage partnerships with educational institutions abroad. The average salary for a global education coordinator in South Africa is around R420,000 per year.

Global Health Specialist

Global health specialists work to improve health outcomes in developing countries, addressing issues such as disease, malnutrition, and maternal and child health. They may work for non-governmental organizations, international aid agencies, or government agencies. They design and implement health programs, manage health systems, and conduct research to identify the most effective strategies for improving health. The average salary for a global health specialist in South Africa is around R750,000 per year.

A global studies degree can lead to a highly rewarding and fulfilling career in South Africa. With its diverse range of job opportunities and competitive salaries, it is a degree worth considering for anyone interested in international affairs and global economics.

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