How to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade

On this page, we will give tips on the way to advise, comfort and encourage your friend on how to effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade. First of all, failing a grade is not the end of the world. It just means that it is an opportunity to learn more. An opportunity to re-discover your strengths and weaknesses. So, repeating a grade for your classmate or someone close to you is normal in the society.

Tips on advising a stressed friend who failed a grade

Now you have a friend who failed a grade and he/she is so stressed and doesn’t know how to cope with the feeling of getting behind. Seeing your peers move to the next grade while you remain on the same grade can be a devastating feeling. Below are some of the tips and guidelines you can use to convince your friend that they should accept and move on with life.

Tip One: “Take it easy on yourself friend”

Hey friend, take it easy on yourself. As long as you are healthy, have eaten, dressed, and have a shelter to lay your head in, you have concurred 95% of the problems that face many in this life. So you should take it easy. Schools, grades, as well as expectations, are all invented by humans. Thus, their meaning can be changed at any time. You might be facing great shame from your parents and family in general, but at the end of the day it is only you who need to stand up for yourself and perceive the world through your own lenses and say to yourself out loud: “I’m a human”, “I’m the best there is”, “I’m fine with myself”, “no one can put my spirit down beside myself”, “I’m what the world is waiting for” “repeating a grade simply means I will gain more knowledge from this grade than my peers who have moved to the next one”, “I have many brighter days ahead of me flourishing at what I do”.

“So long and take it easy, because if you start taking things seriously, it is the end of you.”

Jack Kerouac

Failing is for everyone

We all fail in life. Every great man or woman you know today has failed more than he/she succeeded at what they do. To wise people, failure is an opportunity to grow. It is an opportunity to rethink and reinvent yourself.

“When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.”

Ellen DeGeneres

Tips to Passing a Grade

Below are some questions you need to answer for yourself and make a positive choice:

  • Which subjects contributed to me failing this grade?
  • What other studyguides can i buy to enhance my grades?
  • Who can teach me more about the concepts i dont understand? Teachers? Tutors? YouTube Videos?
  • Did i really choose the subjects that i like and interest me?
  • Is my home a conducive place to study, or should i study at the library, relatives house, school or church?

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