Mention Four Benefits of Responsible Citizenship

Mention Four Benefits of Responsible Citizenship

Mention Four Benefits of Responsible Citizenship (Grade 12 Life Orientation Notes) CAPS: Responsible citizenship means that you do your duty as a citizen, you fulfil your responsibilities, and do what is right or expected of you as a citizen. You: are aware of, respect, and promote human rights are concerned about the welfare of others … Read more

Three Causes of Service Delivery Protests within Communities in South Africa

Three Causes of Service Delivery Protests within Communities in South Africa

Three Causes of Service Delivery Protests within Communities in South Africa: Service delivery protests are a common occurrence in many communities around the world, often emerging from long-standing frustrations with inadequate access to essential services. This article aims to identify and explore three key causes that frequently lead to service delivery protests within communities. Three … Read more

Life Orientation Grade 12 Summary Notes pdf

Life Orientation Grade 12 Summary Notes pdf

Life Orientation Grade 12 Summary Notes pdf: 2021, 2020. Topic 1 Stress: Life Orientation Grade 12 Summary Notes Topic 2: Process of assessment and examination writing skills: Life Orientation Grade 12 Summary Notes What is assessment?It is the continuous planned process of gathering information on achievement. Why assess?It identifies how you cope with new knowledge, … Read more

Life Orientation Grade 12 September 2019 Question Paper and Memo

Life Orientation Grade 12 September 2019 Question Paper and Memo

This page provides access to the Life Orientation examination paper and its accompanying memo for Grade 12 learners, dated September 2019. Intended as a resource for South African students preparing for their matriculation exams, it features a range of questions designed to test the student’s understanding of life skills, personal development, and societal topics relevant … Read more

Appropriate Responses to Peer pressure and Skills for Coping

Appropriate Responses to Peer pressure and Skills for Coping

On this page, we discuss what are the appropriate responses to peer pressure and skills for coping with negative peer pressure. Peer pressure is a common phenomenon among young people, where they feel compelled to conform to the values and behaviours of their peers. While peer pressure can be positive and motivating, it can also … Read more

26 Cyber Security Terms and Terminologies

26 Cyber Security Terms and Terminologies

cyber security terms and terminologies: As you’ve browsed the internet, you’ve probably run into a lot of terms like “phishing” and “malware” and have been unsure what they mean and how they pertain to you. Now, you don’t have to search for a definition that makes sense, as (almost) everything you need to know is … Read more

Negative Social Effects of Human Rights Violations for Communities

Negative Social Effects of Human Rights Violations for Communities

Negative Social Effects of Human Rights Violations for Communities: Human rights violations occur when the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals are infringed upon by governments, institutions, or individuals. These violations have far-reaching consequences, not only for the individuals directly affected but also for the communities in which they live. This article explores some of … Read more

How can Discussions, Projects, Campaigns, and Events Support Victims of Human Rights Violations?

How can Discussions, Projects, Campaigns, and Events Support Victims of Human Rights Violations

How can Discussions, Projects, Campaigns, and Events Support Victims of Human Rights Violations? Human rights are fundamental rights that every individual should enjoy, irrespective of their nationality, sex, ethnicity, color, religion, or any other status. However, globally, human rights violations continue to be a significant concern. In such instances, support structures like discussions, projects, campaigns, … Read more

Why it is Important for Youth to Have Knowledge about Risky Behaviour

Why it is Important for Youth to Have Knowledge about Risky Behaviour

Why is it important for Teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about risky behaviour: Life Orientation. This question can also be phrased as: Why it is important for youth to have knowledge about risky behaviour? In today’s ever-evolving world, adolescents and young adults are continually faced with an array of decisions that can significantly impact … Read more

Two realistic demands protestors could bring forward in their peaceful protest

Two realistic demands protestors could bring forward in their peaceful protest

Do you know that many victories in the world were won through protest actions? On this page, we discuss describe two realistic demands protestors could bring forward in their peaceful protest. Types of Protests Protests can either be violent or peaceful. Protests can happen in many forms, such as marches; hunger strike; riots, looting and … Read more