What to Study with Maths Lit and Civil Technology Subject Choices

On this page, you will find careers you can study towards, for Mathematical Literacy and Civil Technology Subject Choices in Grade 10 – 12.

Navigating Study Choices with Maths Lit and Civil Technology

Choosing Maths Lit and Civil Technology as your subjects in high school can lead to a variety of exciting and fulfilling study and career paths. These subjects provide a solid foundation in practical skills, basic mathematics, and an understanding of construction and infrastructure. Here’s a guide to some of the best study options for you after completing Matric:

1. Construction Management

What You’ll Learn: The skills needed to manage construction projects, including planning, budgeting, and overseeing building sites.

Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Construction Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Construction Studies
  • Why It’s Good: Civil Technology gives you a head start in understanding building processes, which is key in construction management.

2. Architectural Technology

What You’ll Learn: How to design buildings and make detailed drawings, understanding building codes and architectural principles.

Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Architectural Technology
  • Bachelor of Architectural Studies
  • Why It’s Good: Your Civil Technology background will help you grasp the practical aspects of architecture, while Maths Lit supports the calculation part of design.

3. Quantity Surveying

What You’ll Learn: How to manage costs and contracts for construction projects, including measuring and estimating building work.

Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Quantity Surveying
  • Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying
  • Why It’s Good: Maths Lit is useful for the financial and measurement aspects, and Civil Technology provides insight into construction processes.

4. Civil Engineering Technology

What You’ll Learn: About designing, constructing, and maintaining infrastructure like roads, bridges, and buildings.

Popular Courses:

  • National Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering
  • Why It’s Good: Civil Technology aligns directly with this field, giving you a practical understanding of what civil engineering involves.

5. Urban and Regional Planning

What You’ll Learn: How to plan and design towns and cities, understanding how to make spaces that work for people.

Popular Courses:

  • Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning
  • Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning
  • Why It’s Good: Your knowledge from Civil Technology will be beneficial in understanding the structural aspects of urban planning.


  • Your Skills Are Valuable: The combination of Maths Lit and Civil Technology is unique and opens up several exciting opportunities.
  • Practical Over Pure Maths: These fields appreciate practical mathematical skills, which is perfect for Maths Lit students.
  • Choose What Excites You: Go for a field that interests you and aligns with your strengths and passions.

With Maths Lit and Civil Technology, you have the foundation to pursue diverse and rewarding educational paths that can lead to dynamic and impactful careers. Follow your interests and make the most of your unique subject combination!

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