Which City is the Legislative Capital of South Africa

Which City is the Legislative Capital of South Africa

The legislative capital of South Africa is Cape Town. In South Africa’s unique system, the country actually has three capital cities, each serving a different purpose. Cape Town is the legislative capital, where the national parliament is located. The administrative capital is Pretoria, where the executive branch of government is based, and Bloemfontein serves as … Read more

Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps

Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps

Why do you think cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps? Well, on this page we find out why. Cartographers, or map makers, only name some of the contour lines on maps for several reasons. Reasons Why do Cartographers only name some of the contour lines on maps Cartographers don’t label every … Read more

Challenges of the micro environment Business Studies Grade 11

Challenges of the micro environment Business Studies Grade 11

Challenges of the micro environment Business Studies Grade 11 Types of Challenges of the Micro Environment Business Studies Grade 11 Difficult employees  Difficult Employees Examples: Lack of vision and mission statement  Lack of Vision and Mission Statement Examples (‘VML’): Lack of adequate managerial skills  Ineffective Management Examples: The impact of unions  Impact of Unions Examples: … Read more

Grade 6 Geography Term 1 Resources

Grade 6 Geography Term 1 Resources

Hello Grade 6 Learners! Welcome to an exciting new term in Geography! This term, we’re going on a fascinating journey around the world without even leaving our classroom. You’re going to learn some amazing skills that geographers use to understand our planet. Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ll explore together in Term 1: So, … Read more

How to Calculate Matric APS Score Points

How to Calculate Matric APS Score Points

How to Calculate Matric APS Score Points: Figuring out your Admission Points Score (APS) is a crucial step as you prepare for university. Don’t worry, it’s not too complicated! Let’s break it down: Step 1: Pick Your Best Six Subjects Start by selecting your six best subjects from your matric examination results. These are the … Read more

South African Subjects and Pass Requirements

South African Subjects and Pass Requirements

In South Africa, the CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement) system outlines the school curriculum and the requirements for passing each grade, including the crucial Matriculation (Grade 12) year. Here’s an overview of the CAPS subjects and the general pass requirements for South African schools: CAPS School Subjects: CAPS covers a wide range of subjects, … Read more

DNA Notes: The part in which DNA will be Found in a Eukaryotic Cell

The part in which DNA will be found in a Eukaryotic Cell

On this page we will discuss all about DNA, as well as the part in which DNA will be found within a Eukaryotic cell. In prokaryotic cells, the DNA is mostly located in a central part of the cell called the nucleoid, or the nucleus, which is not enclosed in a nuclear membrane. Most of the … Read more

Why Businesses Have More Control Over Macro Environment

Why Businesses Have More Control Over Macro Environment

Why do Businesses Have More Control Over the Macro Environment? In the world of business, think of it like playing a video game. There are parts you can control, like your character and your strategy, and parts you can’t control, like the game’s rules or the other players. Businesses operate in different ‘environments’ – some … Read more