Three Contributing Factors that Led to Xenophobia in South Africa

Three Contributing Factors that Led to Xenophobia in South Africa

Three Contributing Factors that Led to Xenophobia in South Africa: (Life Orientation). In a transforming and democratic society, personal and individual needs have to be placed in a social context to encourage acceptance of diversity and to foster commitment to the values and principles espoused in the Constitution. Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, … Read more

Why are Minimum Requirements for a Degree Necessary

Why are Minimum Requirements for a Degree Necessary

On this page we will explain why minimum requirements for a degree qualification are necessary for you to be accepted. There are different set of requirements for various levels of study, such as a Diploma, Advanced Certificate, and a Bachelor’s Degree in South Africa. A Bachelor’s Degree will enable you to apply your theoratical knowledge … Read more

Why is it so important to check the accreditation of a private Higher Learning Institution

Why is it so important to check the accreditation of a private Higher Learning Institution

On this page we will discuss why is it so important to check the accreditation of private Higher Learning Institutions. After passing your Grade 12, It is very critical to do a thorough check of the particular higher education institution that you would like to study at. Do you know that South Africa has up … Read more

Reasons why People don’t Want to Participate in Community Activities and Campaigns

Reasons why people don't participate in community activites

Reasons why People don’t Want to Participate in Community Activities and Campaigns: Let’s explore the reasons why people don’t participate in community activites. Every community knows exactly what nature of problems they are currently suffering from. When communities don’t have hope anymore in the existing structure of governance, they form solidarity and ensure the solution … Read more

Three ways how physical activities can benefit your mental health

Three ways how physical activities can benefit your mental health

On this page we will explain three ways on how physical activities can benefit your mental health. Did you know that physical activity is part of a healthy balanced lifestyle? Physical activity amongst others helps with improving your psychological well-being, which ultimately improves your overall mental health. People who exercise regularly have better mental health … Read more

Three ways on how a prison environment can affect the social development of a child

Three ways on how a prison environment can affect the social development of a child

On this page, we mention three ways on how a prison environment can affect the social development of a child. There is an ongoing debate around the world on whether the child of a convicted mother should bond with the mother in prison, or the child should stay out of the prison premises. What the … Read more

Why is it Important to have a personal mission statement

Why is it Important to have a personal mission statement

Why is it Important to have a personal mission statement? What is a Personal mission statement? It is a description about you and of our values, dreams, attitudes and goals. You set goals for yourself. The purpose is to get you to explore and identify your own values, dreams and goals. They get you to … Read more

Differentiating Between Cyber Wellness and Cybersafety

Differentiating between Cyber Wellness and Cyber safety

In the digital age, concepts such as cyber wellness and cyber safety are gaining prominence. They are often used interchangeably, but they represent two distinct yet intertwined aspects of our digital lives. To fully benefit from the online world, it’s crucial to understand these terms and the different responsibilities they each encompass. Cyber Safety Cyber … Read more

Why Earning Good Marks at Grade 11 is Important for Acceptance at Tertiary

Why Earning Good Marks at Grade 11 is Important for Acceptance at Tertiary

On this page we will motivate why earning good marks at grade 11 may significantly enhance your chances of provisional acceptance at tertiary after completion of grade 12. If you are planning on entering higher education after school, remember that most of the higher education institutions will do a provisional selection based on your Grade … Read more

How school-based assessment can assist in reducing the pressure of examination

How school-based assessment can assist in reducing the pressure of examination

On this page, we discuss how school-based assessment can assist in reducing the pressure of examination. A school-based assessment is a continuous planned process of gathering information on the achievement of a learner. Different forms of School-based assessments Baseline assessment-Usually takes place in thebeginning of the year or when starting something new e.g. topic. It … Read more